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How Do You Hang Out At Conventions?



So with the talk of convention season coming up (or at least making plans for it) I got thinking about my past experience with conventions. BrickCon 2011 was probably one of the best ones I've went to, because we had a good close crowd of friends who got to do lots of stuff. But it wasn't always like that. I was a meek crowd surfer for two BrickCons (07 and 08.) I first met Kakaru when we fought over discounted Indiana Jones sets at the Lego Store event. (I believe he ended up getting them. :P ) And I remember spending long periods of time at BrickFair 2010 sitting around the Bionicle area doing nothing... Basically, I'm not the most social person around, and it's hard for me to interact with people IRL when it can be hard enough for me to throw myself into a conversation online.


I know how I got over this. 1: I had more experience at the conventions so I wasn't just the newb gawking around at all the pretty MOCs. 2: I got to know some people better the first time around, and thus we were friendlier for the next year. and, I guess, 3: I actually spent the money and time to go to the full convention. When I was just a part of the crowd, I only talked briefly with Roa and Letagi at BrickCon. (And while I remember seeing KopakaNui at previous conventions, I didn't actually talk to him and get to know him until I went full time.) And I wouldn't say that I'm the most fun, outgoing guy now; I probably spend more time hanging back behind everybody else. That's just my personality, I guess. (Or maybe you all have a different view of me, I dunno.)


So here's a question: How do you get by when you attend conventions? Like, how well do you meet new people, interact with others, ext. You could have attended multiple Lego conventions full time or just shown up once for the public hours. You could even have experience at non-Lego conventions or gatherings of people who are similiar to you but with who you are not familiar with. (High school not included, just because that's almost impossible to get through and I already survived it and don't want to relive the haunting memories. :P )


Anyway, I would like to see what others have to say, and maybe even the collective opinions could be useful for people planning to attend Lego conventions in the future. :)




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You're right on that the easiest way to get comfortable at conventions is at the smaller ones, or at least, in a smaller group. When I went to Brickfair in 08, there was what, ten of us? It felt really easy and natural to be involved, and it was great making friends with everyone.


It was bigger in 09, and in 10 it was crazy how many more people were there, to the point that I'm not even sure who all was there anymore, and our big group of BZP members, and even BZP staff members, just sort of naturally split into different groups, to the point that last year, I don't even remember some of the staff members being around for more than just the staff dinner, and that's a bummer. I know when things get that big things just kind of splinter naturally, and I know some of the other staff members outside of the circle those of us who are close friends feel left out, but I can guarantee it's not on purpose.


One of the reasons I'm looking forward to attending some different conventions too this year. I think Brickfair is the most awesome of conventions, but for those who are just starting or are pretty shy, I think it can be pretty brutal, and I'd recommend some of the ones with smaller numbers just because it's so much easier to make friends.

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I think I spent way too much time gawking at the MOCs and the sheer scale of the place at last year's BrickFair. Mainly, I spent the time with a small little member posse, doing randomly bizarre things and laughing about 50% of the time.


And we sang happy birthday to Black Six. I think Brickeens had that idea.

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I think I spent way too much time gawking at the MOCs and the sheer scale of the place at last year's BrickFair. Mainly, I spent the time with a small little member posse, doing randomly bizarre things and laughing about 50% of the time.


And we sang happy birthday to Black Six. I think Brickeens had that idea.

Yeah, this is pretty much how it developed. Just made a small group and sat around joking and enjoying it.


And hats. I am legally obligated to bring up all the hats that hatpened.

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Spend all your time trying to excitedly get Todd Webb's attention. It works for Janus and then EVERYONE knows who you are, even if Todd Webb is not there.

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I think I spent way too much time gawking at the MOCs and the sheer scale of the place at last year's BrickFair. Mainly, I spent the time with a small little member posse, doing randomly bizarre things and laughing about 50% of the time.


And we sang happy birthday to Black Six. I think Brickeens had that idea.

Yeah, this is pretty much how it developed. Just made a small group and sat around joking and enjoying it.


And hats. I am legally obligated to bring up all the hats that hatpened.


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I think I spent way too much time gawking at the MOCs and the sheer scale of the place at last year's BrickFair. Mainly, I spent the time with a small little member posse, doing randomly bizarre things and laughing about 50% of the time.


And we sang happy birthday to Black Six. I think Brickeens had that idea.

Yeah, this is pretty much how it developed. Just made a small group and sat around joking and enjoying it.


And hats. I am legally obligated to bring up all the hats that hatpened.





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I think I spent way too much time gawking at the MOCs and the sheer scale of the place at last year's BrickFair. Mainly, I spent the time with a small little member posse, doing randomly bizarre things and laughing about 50% of the time.And we sang happy birthday to Black Six.


I think Brickeens had that idea.

Yeah, this is pretty much how it developed. Just made a small group and sat around joking and enjoying it.


And hats. I am legally obligated to bring up all the hats that hatpened.




I must have had a severe brain-wussy moment.

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The two times I attended BrickCon were different in approaches.


In 2010, I went as a newb, and made quick friends of many people (MIIIICAAAAAH X3) and had some friends along for the ride as well (Kayru is a good example), so I had people I recognized and I also had some AFOLs I recognized hanging out as well.


2011? Oh man did the flood gates open for me. I was dragged around pretty much everywhere, I think I lost 15 Lbs just by walking as much as I did, and I know I lost feeling in my legs for a week after. However, I did also hang out with said friends (MIIIICAAAAH X3).


So in truth? I met AFOLs, I met up with some interesting BZP members, and I hung out with the crowd I felt more comfortable with (those from BZP and BS01) and I bumped into old friends I had met before but didn't get a chance to talk to too much (Gary McIntire, Binkmeister, Paul Hetherington (very cool guy, I recommend you look him up on Flickr and such)).


So how do I spend it? It's simple really. I just go.

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It's inevitable that people start hanging out with similar people day after day, because that is how friendships form and people flock to like-minded people. While we all get along, we all have different personalities that blend well differently.

That being said, we all get along and I personally don't feel out of place hanging with some people even if I normally don't.

tldr: Clicks of a sort. But we're all awesome friends anyway.

To get around this, I have found the best way to spend time with people you normally aren't is meals. Gather a few people you want to have lunch with and then go have lunch (BrickFair makes this easy with its many fast food choices). At our staff dinners, move down a few seats than where you would normally sit with people so you get to interact with everyone, but mostly those you don't know too well (it's how I met Toa Lhikan Hordika at Outback).


As for sitting around the Bionicle table, well, grab someone and start looking around. Or look around by yourself, chat people up, and make new friendships (it's how Arpy, Nukaya and I met the Harry Potter lady and then we had lunch with her).



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