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Tillian: The New Bzprpg Meme?

a goose


Well, Tillian began to become a meme.

And then they Chuck-Norrised him. So, now, BZPRPG News and Discussion has gotten off-topic, and I have made a blog post. :)



BTW, I heard he can slam a revolving door.


- Vorex


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As Charlie Sheen, I hereby declare this entry WINNING on all fronts.


May Tillian battle Abraham Lincoln, and may the WINNING be with you.


*Disappears into the shadows using tiger blood-granted stealth*

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I heard Tillian acted in a show a couple decades ago and has since become an overused internet meme that wasn't funny in the first place.



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He's become a lot more than that.


He also helped rebuild Po-Koro, he helped defeat Hiemalis, he brought down the Hospital of the Guard almost singlehandedly, healed dozens of injuries from the battle of said hospital, got himself a girlfriend, helped defend the play, disbanded a group of bounty hunters associated with the thieves guild, flew to Ga-Koro to defeat a group of Mark Bearers, and is currently in possession of the Charm of Purity.


In short, he's a meme. Mainly because he was supposed to just sit and surf all game and he just ended up in Po-Koro at the wrong time.



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So to do the same... I would have to have Auron (or another of my characters) wear clothes? Challenge accepted.


...BTW, I heard that when Tillian goes to yard sales, he buys the actual yard.

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Doesn't seem like a Meme in the slightest, it seems more forced, which does not in my mind create a meme.


So he's just a normal player who's just done a few things that have taken notice, as have many, many other characters.


I guess I don't understand what it takes for something to be a meme.





Perhaps a skilled NEX agent should meet this Tillian.

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Naona is unamused by this development. She wants her commander to haul himself back to Po-Koro so she can get back to work catching criminals like a boss instead of watching people rebuild a village.

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I assume you HAVEN'T read my Reichenbach posts, then?

Incurso is a killer as skilled as Reichenbach, but more precise and far less suicidal.

Reichenbach's a serial killer (although that doesn't even BEGIN to describe his genius); Incurso is a killing machine.


The Eye is ever-watchful...

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Tillian kind of deserted Readra back in Po-Wahi a couple of weeks ago ¬.¬


But he still considers him a friend. Huzzah.


When Alexander Bell invented the telephone he had three missed calls from Tillian.

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