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I Have An Internet Addiction



I recently found that I literally have an addiction to the Internet. I've heard that such an addiction is as bad as various other well-known addictions (none of which can be mentioned here), and from my experience I say it's true.


My addiction has been having an effect on my entire life, from my social life, to my study life, to my financial life, to my personal life and even my overall work ethic! In other words, my addiction has made me lazy.


My addiction started two years ago, with online chat. When I first started going on it I was unhealthily hooked right away! Immediately I found that I would rather go on chat than do anything else, and that meant ANYTHING! I would even go on chat while watching TV, a problem that continues to this day! Nowadays I can no longer be bothered to do anything but sit down and go on chat and other Internet sites. Even things like shopping on eBay or trading on our very own B/S/T is seen to take too much effort! As you've probably noticed, I can barely even be bothered to update my blog anymore either! In fact, when the recent Pokemon tournament last January came, I couldn't even be bothered to make a new team! All of my Pokemon except Hitmontop were imported! THAT was a MASSIVE sign of how low I had sunk!


These days, the only things that are able to tear me off my laptop are TAFE (and even then I spend more time online than actually listening to the instructor), train trips and meetups with Pokemon Melbourne.


However I have begun to realise my addiction and fight against it. I'm now trying to limit the time I spend online, and try and focus on other projects. So far I've finished a Warcraft novel and will soon start another, and I've almost completed a Bionicle drawing. I know I have a way to go, but it's certainly a start.


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