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Yes. But, the only problem with that, is that I've heard it's not that you approach the ninjas... It's that they approach you. ... That, or I'm mistaking them for something else. xD


But yes, an alliance with the ninjas would be good, then when we find out who's in control of the conspiracy, we can try to convince them to stop that with help from the ninjas. =)

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Well, we could try and search for the Ninjas. I hear they hide themselves very well, though. Or, we could attempt to ambush someone who's already a known ninja. I think we might have a better shot that way, though we'd have to think about who... And how we'd ambush a ninja who's likely ready to respond the second we step onto the scene or so. =P

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Ambushing sounds like an interesting plan. ^^


How?Well, we should be very, very clever. And have a plan. But I've never ambushed a Ninja before... xD

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Yes. We definitely need to think this over, if only because Ninjas tend to take ambushing personally; probably because of their training. The only other problem is that neither of us appear to have any Ninja Ambush experience. xD

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Ah, I see. Alright then. =) Will do. In the meantime, I'll try and figure out a plan, and an idea of who could be behind this conspiracy.

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Well, I wonder if some sort of net or energy field or something would work.


However... I wonder. The whole 'silence' stuff is making me ponder; could the Silence be behind this? =O

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1. Yep. Only question is if we have one of those handy...


2. One of the antagonist groups from Doctor Who. Was just a theory that doesn't seem correct, which is good.

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Nope, sadly not. I researched a bit, but everytime I think I found someone, it turns out that they were murdered. :fear:

Not a good sign...

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I'm not sure whether I want to look into this further. From what I've heard, those were really really gruesome morders... *shivers*

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Hmm. That's true... Though, who knows, it might have ties to the Mafia, and I've heard that there's some big rewards out for those who catch them. We might be able to fund the energy field to catch the ninja. =P

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That would explain a lot! =O

But maybe, if that's true, we shouldn't debate it in public like that - you never know who's listening! *looking around anxiously*

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Hmm, true, true. Would just make ourselves easy targets... Unless we already are. But I doubt we are, otherwise we probably would alread- *bang* ... It's okay! He missed! =D

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