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Hmm. You'd probably be the best bet. I think I could probably avoid anything anyway. Let's hope so, at least. =P


As for what else, there's gotta be something, if this is an abandoned factory. We just have to look, that's all. xD That proved that there is both a conspiracy and that these people are behind it, though. Maybe this is why there's all this silence.

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Yaay, I get the vest xD


But maybe they aren't behind the conspiracy, and they're only behind me because I did some research D= What if that's the case`?

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Well, why would they have shot at me then? That's what's not making sense. Unless it's because I've been investigating them too. =P


Also, just as a note, there's another Mafia game going on at the same time as the main one, just in case you wanna try it out too. It's based off the one from two games ago, so it should be fun. =)

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Okay... or - *gasp* or you are just PRETENDING to be helping me, and in fact, you are one of them! D= It would explain why they missed you

*slowly backs away*


(okay. Although I am really bad when it comes to mafia... xD)

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Nah. They tore part of my coat in the process of missing me. I have reason to believe they just blew up my car too. =/


(Alright. =) It's pretty much something you pick up as you go along, making alliances helps too. =D)

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Well, either way, they seem to be after me, and you also are probably a target, but, we won't know unless they show up... =/


(Don't worry, I only became relatively competent in the ways of Bionicle Mafia back about 10 games or so ago; about the spring of 2010, which is last year in BZP terms, essentially, given that you have to factor in the downtime. =P)

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Okay then, let's see what else wwe can find that could be of help... an electric fence? That's a start...


(I see... I still have to practise a lot, then ^^)

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Yes. Hopefully we'd have enough time. Who should go find the materials needed, though?


(I could give some tips. Though, one big tip is, if Lloyd's in the game, and you're a Doctor or so, he's typically a target first round. And if you're a Detective, then keeping a list is something that I've been doing, though people who try to die early on can throw that off.)

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I don't know... I don't think that splitting up is a good idea, though. It would leave one of us more vulnerable...


(That's confusing Dx But I guess I should start with those lists... or I'll just continue going by suspicion and my feelings. Which usually is a bad idea xD)

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True, true. Especially with the fact that there's only one vest. Hmm. ... Say... Is there any string nearby? We could set up a trap. =D


(Sorry. D= But eventually you'll get the hang of it. =) Going off instinct is a good idea, though.)

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That's perfect. What else do you have? We might be able to set up a defense, depending on what you have. But yes, I mostly just need the string, wire, whatever, for what I can do. =P


(It is. Sometimes there are clues to who did it, but not all the time. =P)

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Hm. I've got some chewing gum, a few stones... and a pair of scissors. :/


(Oh my, I'm quite bad at solving riddles or mysteries Dx)

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Hmm. Well, if we can surprise the attackers, the scissors might work. And the other stuff too, since we could McGyver something, depending on what we find. =)


(Yeah, we aren't either, it seems, given that we typically take out everyone but who did it, when there are hints. =P)

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We'll find out. =) If not, then at least we tried. You see anything to hold the string down, though? We could trip people if we could set that up...

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Good. Now we just have to have a match... *Pushes on brick on the other side* ... Hmm. Nothing happened. *Pushes again* Did you hear a rumbling? Eh, was probably just my imagination...

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Maybe... *Shoves the wall, which starts to fall* Run! *Someone falls down, along with the wall* ... Well, that explains the noises... Well, at least we've found one of them. He's out cold, which is good, but we can't tell when they might strike. Looks like that's the guy who shot at me though... You can tell, given that the rifle's at a 90 degree angle and all. =P


We may want to still get this place secured, though...

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Yes... unfortunate, but hey, that's what he gets for having his sniping spot on top of a wall, and listening to music. =P


Dunno. I'm sure we could find tons of metal around here, though... What type of factory was it, though? =/

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