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Nah; I notice a distinct lack in activity whenever I'm on, for the most part. ... Though, then again, that might be a conspiracy against me too. Hmm. I'll have to look into this. =P

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Nah; I notice a distinct lack in activity whenever I'm on, for the most part. ... Though, then again, that might be a conspiracy against me too. Hmm. I'll have to look into this. =P

But there can't be a conspiracy against both of us! Or can it be? D=


My PM box has an open door policy!I'm just kind of boring person to chat with. :P

That's good to know... but I'm usually not someone to randomly pm people xD

I'll take this as an invitation, though :P

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Hmm, I'm not sure. It's a very good question... Maybe there are two different communities at fault in that respect? The RPers, and the non-RPers. =P

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Yep, that probably would explain it. =P Unless there's really no conspiracy, which would be the preferable option, but I'm not sure. More research is definitely required. =)

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Right. So now I'll pm everyone I know:


"Hey you! I'm sure there's a conspiration against me - who is behinds that? Tell me everything you know, otherwise... it won't be pretty :evilgrin:"



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I would be so scared if I received a message of that type xD


But it would also be possible that the person who gets the pm goes all like "Good idea! We should totally do that!" *paranoid :fear:*


... :lol:

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No, no, I clarified that comment, I meant if it was you when the paranoid ninja showed up for the first time in the entry. =P if you were the ninja in that comment, then it wasn't the ninjas. Then, it must be someone else. But who? Hmm.

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Yes... We know it's not the Ninjas now. But, that gets us no closer to who's behind this conspiracy in the first place. Hmm. We must look into this further.

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