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Warhammer Tabletop

Takuma Nuva


Some friends of mine are considering starting to play Warhammer 40k tabletop war gaming. Don't know if I can afford it any time soon, but I'm highly interested in joining the fun myself. Especially as the Tyranids.


Anyone else here ever play that?




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I've looked at the game from afar, and considered joining in. Haven't actually got started, though. Considered Tyranids or Orkz.

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I've looked at the game from afar, and considered joining in. Haven't actually got started, though. Considered Tyranids or Orkz.

The Necrons have some really cool abilities I like, but the models just don't interest me that much. /=


«Takuma Nuva»

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I have a bunch of Tau, but I'ver never seriously played.


I'll try to pick it up again once the new Codex comes out (whenever that will be).

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I met some people in a small convention of 40K gamers when I was in Hawaii. They were pretty fascinating. I balked a little when I found that the sets went from $600 to $3,000, though. That's got to be testament to the seriousness of some of those players.

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I met some people in a small convention of 40K gamers when I was in Hawaii. They were pretty fascinating. I balked a little when I found that the sets went from $600 to $3,000, though. That's got to be testament to the seriousness of some of those players.

They're definitely expensive, but I haven't seen any prices that high. Granted though, to my understanding the miniatures used to be metal, whereas nowadays it's resin or plastic. That probably has something to do with it.


«Takuma Nuva»

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I recall trying to start a game of 40K with a few friends, but it was pretty much impromptu and didn't get anywhere. I do recall adoring all of the grimdarkness, and the worldbuilding was impressive, but I attribute a lot of that game's success to our GM. I must say, it's a great change from the typical D&D, though.

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Several of my cousins used to play it, but unfortunately they weren't that serious. They basically got board of the game before I could join.


Honestly, I love the figures so much that I would probably be worth it just for the painting and customizing. I also wouldn't mind just buying up a codex; they're always a fun read. But alas, I don't know anyone to play it with me.

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