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So, I think it's safe to say that we all know I'm into Homestuck, and it's all Nukaya's fault, being the persuasive girlfriend that she is. Ray tried to get me into it like a year before I finally did get into it but he clearly was not persuasive enough.




So sometimes, in the Homestuck fandom, you see images of people cosplaying the characters and stuff, and you're like "haha, that's silly but good for them". I'm kind of baffled by how Homestuck seems to bring out so many cosplayers, and especially by how many gender-bent cosplayers, but that's neither here nor there.




So I have been back in Oklahoma for the week to hang out with friends and family and pack up my stuff to ship back up to my new home with Nukaya in Oregon. Today one of my BFFs came into Tulsa to hang with me, and we decided to go to the mall. When we walk in I was like, "JOHN, look!" And he, being the non-fan that he is, didn't see anything.




It was Homestuck cosplayers. A huge group of them.


So it was like, ten female Daves and a Jade Dog Tier.


I walked by them once and pointed at one and was like "hey, nice Dave record scratch shirt, my bro has that shirt". I think she almost lost it when I said that.


What I wanted to do was sit down at their table in the food court and say "Hi, so, just to make you guys totes jelly, but I know one of the Homestuck artists personally, we're like BFFs."


I didn't though, because I have to protect her identity.


Anyway. That is my cool story, bros. (And females who are not bros because that is not how gender-specific terminology works).


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That second tag is the best tag everrrr.



Also, female Daves? That is just kind of confusing. But if it makes them happy, whatever.

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That second tag is the best tag everrrr.
Seconded.Also, female Daves? That is just kind of confusing. But if it makes them happy, whatever.

Apparently the majority of Dave cosplayers are girls. I don't know why.

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That second tag is the best tag everrrr.
Hehehe.On that note, I think the Bro Code says girls can be bros.-CF

Hypothetically, we are not to speak of the code where chicks might be listening.

Not that I would know of any such code that would contain occaisionally sexist and self-contradictory rules.

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I just noticed the picture of all of us from our Vancouver trip in your sidebar and it made me really happy. :D

I'm not :(

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