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Eureka! It's A Twist!



Anyone here watch Syfy's Eureka? The fifth and unfortunate final season started tonight and it was absolutely fantastic. This show has gotten better with each season, and the twists that came and the sci-fi tropes played off of in this episode were especially noteworthy.


-CF :kakama:


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I watch Eureka, but I have no access to watching it legally at the moment, unless I pay $20 on Zune Marketplace for the season.


Pretty good season opener?

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Hmm... Does Syfy put videos on their website a day after airing? Hulu?

$20 for a season of 14 episodes isn't bad--that's less than $2 and ep. Just saying.

And maybe you can find some sites that stream video...


Anyway, yeah, fantastic season opener!



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My dad's on a "let's buy the DVDs" kick cause he can only use Zune on the computers and the 360 in the living room, versus DVD on everything practically.


Yeah, $2 an episode isn't bad, and it's $25 for the HD season pass.

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I'm just now catching up on the forth season, which finally got uploaded to Netflix. (My dad discovered the show a few months ago and watched thru it, so we're watching about 1 episode every night to draw out the season as much as possible.) So it'll probably be a while before I can catch up on series 5. (I'm guessing maybe 2 years from now, after they air the second half of the season next summer and then six months for Netflix to pick it up.)


Wait, when does WH13 come back?



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Hmm, ok. Season 4 has 20 episodes, and if you can stream this season online with uploaded videos I would assume you can catch up within a month.


No word on when Season 4 of Warehouse 13 starts, but Wikipedia says we're getting 20 episodes!



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I watch Eureka, but I have no access to watching it legally at the moment

The episode went up on Hulu this morning, so have at it!


I know it's nitpicking, but I think the pacing of the episode felt a little rushed. I know the plot twist context and all, but that particular story still feels like something that could have been better depicted stretched out across two episodes. Overall a great episode, though!


I can't wait to see where they go with this season, Eureka is just such a fun show.

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I can appreciate that notion, stretching out the episode between two parts. Cliffhanger, oh no! Plus then we would have gotten to see more of the dystopia town.



Then again, it was really about the twist ending. But then again, I can assume most of the episodes to follow will take place in this Eureka-Matrix, so having the town however the writers wanted would work. So a two-part episode would have been cool.





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I haven't watched since season 3 I think, where work conflicted with me seeing them air... I'd love to get caught up over the summer, though.

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