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Fear And Fascination

Taka Nuvia


They both start with an F. And maybe they are closer than one might think.


I mean, there are a few things in life that I am scared of more than anything else. And at the same time, these things never cease to fascinate me, make me wonder what it might be like. It's rather strange. Ambivalent, you could say.


and now of course I wonder if I'm the only one who feels this way about some things. =/


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I have anablephobia; the fear of looking up into the sky (which gets worse the higher I am. It's kinda like the fear of heights in reverse).


Still, I have looked into the sky at night (which is actually worse than during the day because the brighter the stars, the more nervous I am for some reason), but it is kinda a fascination I guess.


Then there's contemplating other fears that are more realistic and then I get into the philosophy and stuff... blah blah blah and that's why I will never ever be the same after that game of hopscotch.

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...I fear nothing much. Mainly pain in general, I guess. That's the only thing I really fear. Not even death, or fear itself. Kinda funny like that.


But no, you aren't - I'm interested in pain, and watch people do exceedingly painful things.


However, this is the main reason I'm likely never getting a tattoo, and squeamish on piercings. XD

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I totally know what it's like. Natural disasters, the sheer, raw power of nature are some of the things that leave me in both fear and fascination.

I admire the power so much, but it leaves me so afraid like nothing else.

I find myself thinking over this much more than others do. :P

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I don't fear heights, it's the idea of hitting the ground at terminal velocity that scares me. :P


I don't fear death. Dying, I'd imagine, is no fun though.


Natural disasters, however, terrify me. Although the only thing I have to worry about here in northwest Indiana is tornadoes, and maybe getting struck by lightning. But back to tornadoes, blargh *shudders*, those siren tests every Saturday at 11 nearly give me heart attacks.


- :burnmad:

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