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So art classes at school are going pretty well. I go in on a Wednesday and a Friday, and on a Friday the art class is the last class of the day, so I take the bus back home.


The two individuals from this entry are on the bus. And yeah, what do you know, they're still ignoring me. The first one is generally ignorant anyway, so I suppose I can't expect anything else of him, but as for the other I'm 99% sure she avoids me because she has stupid Catholic parents won't let her near non-Catholic people or things. I can't go into detail there because some people might get offended and we can't discuss religion.


It's pretty depressing going home on a bus with a bunch of people and feeling really isolated.


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That may very well be the reason, but if so it is an Un-Catholic attitude.


Must be a pain. Hope it straightens out.


- 55555

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Hope somethings works out. Maybe you could try striking up a conversation with other people on the bus.


Good luck.

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That may very well be the reason, but if so it is an Un-Catholic attitude. Must be a pain. Hope it straightens out.




Hope somethings works out. Maybe you could try striking up a conversation with other people on the bus. Good luck.


It's not like I don't do that already. It doesn't change anything.


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How do the people ignore you? You could try and convince them that you see through their little "I don't know who you are" veil.

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Well, there are still existing... problems... which could explain the second one. It's understandable, but it's still not very nice to just plain ignore you.

Still, there could be worst things. They could talk about you behind your back without realising you're in earshot, or say a number every time you speak, or wait 'til you walk into the school grounds before immediately walking the other way, and I'm probably not helping much with this...

But I hope you find someone you can talk to.

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