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Animal Association



I had a fun discussion about this with the BS01 staff last night. I figured it would be fun to open discussion to BZPower too.


Basically, what kind of animal do you/would you associate with your own personality and why? I don't mean anything serious like identifying yourself as another species, but rather just a simple comparison between yourself and a type of animal. Also, no need to over-think the comparison, as any such comparison is a generalization anyhow.


Obviously I associate myself with wolves, and even go so far as to identify myself as one from time to time. I tend to show respect to worthy authority, and my own life is rather similar to the concept of a beta wolf (an adult wolf who sticks with its pack, biding its time until its ready to live on its own). The comparison pretty much stops there though.


So yeah, what about you guys? :3


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Frogs. Because they're cute and tragically get eaten by birds and snakes.


I haven't got eaten yet, though! :)


(I would also make an argument to say I'm not cute, but whatever)

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Probably cats; I'm delicate, slightly petite, and basically if you rub my fur the wrong way...well, it's going to be a bad result. =P My Chinese astrology sign is apparently cat as well, so that's another good reason.

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I personally have never compared myself to an animal before, cause I just look at Chinese Zodiacs. It's really fun looking at them, and how they play over into peoples personalities.


But if I had to choose... Maybe a cat or an eagle.



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I think I checked the Chinese zodiac before. Apparently I'm a ... metal sheep or something?


I dunno I'd have to take another look at that., but I've been unsuccessful at finding a chart.

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I think I checked the Chinese zodiac before. Apparently I'm a ... metal sheep or something?

I wouldn't want to pet you then. I'm not a fan of ...




... steel wool.



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@Sumiki BADAlso apparently all zodiac sheep also have the element of fire so STEEL WOOL FIRE-SHEEP YEAH


I can look it up. And I can give ya a ton of awesome sites talking about it via Skype or somethin' if ya want.



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@Eljay Maybe


@Paragon YES SO MANY. Also all those animals are cool too :B


@Balta Heatran would like to have a word with you.

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Actually, just checked - you're a metal goat apparently. And I wish I was a wolf, now thinking it is kind of close to my personality, but cat fits better, though.

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Cephalopod of some variety, Octopus, preferably. Flexible and intelligent, able to hide my true self when I need to except to those who can really see me, and restricted only by the size of my beak.

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I'd probably say wolves as well. Looking back, I have made wolf comparisons(Like in Island of Pain, where my character was the founder of the group 'Wolves of Liberty', had a sword with a pommel that featured a wolf carving, and so on. =P) before.

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