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Confession And A Hiatus

Taka Nuvia


Okay, so... where to start...


I've got the feeling that my life is falling apart beneath my hands, no matter how hard I try to keep the pieces together, it just all breaks away from me. I'm no longer in charge, just hanging around, doing nothing, feeling bad about myself and the world.

Apparently I'm also grumpy, over-react and am in general an emotional wreck. Including breaking down crying and not being able to sleep because I'm feeling totally awful.


I have no idea why, but I have to get it all under control again.


Not that I think BZPower is the reason, no, but it provides a seemingly endless source of distraction. And actually, distraction is the last thing I need.


Final exams are coming closer and closer. I should study. I should do something, anything.


Therefore, I will be taking a break from BZPower. Probably from the entire internet.

Just a few days, and see whether that helps.


Sorry guys, but I need to start somewhere.


Love you all.


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No need to apologize. Everyone times in their lives such as these.


I do hope that you're able to sort your problems out, and that you'll have friends waiting for you when you return. ^_^

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That's fine. It happens where we just need to take a break to look at reality, however that's what we most need a break from sometimes. I hope you straighten life out in those days, and hopefully the hiatus might help. As Bionicle Raptor said, you'll have friends waiting for you here. =)

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Do you mind if we lynch you in iBrow's game while you're gone? XD


Seriously, though, I know where you're coming from, although I don't think my situation's ever been that drastic. A break from BZP and the Internet can be very healthy, as I've discovered through various holidays, trips, and the Great Dataclysm.

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