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I Was In The Woods When I Found...



...a small, adorable animal. However, this creature talked, staving off my driving urge to devour it whole. Something about a quest to save some kingdom or retrieve something... Oh wait, yes, something about retrieving a magical orb of chaos from an evil ruler. The small forest animal pointed torwards a very strange fantasy realm I had not noticed before with its freakish little be-thumbed paws, babbling about my need to pick up a sword from some wizard. So I punted the dimunitive sentient back and forth in the clearing I had found it until it spoke more clearly and led me to the old fart. There, I took the sword, bopped the geezer on the head, and looted his house, against the animal's objections. That is, until I threatened to devour its soul, condemning it to an eternity of evil. Making off with a large amount of magic items, the animal next told me I had to go to some sort of valorous knight academy. I went there, alright, but I consumed their experience in battle, and teleported their heads to an alternate dimension of monkeys while the bodies remained connected... The animal was screaming its head off and until I whacked it across a field, it endlessly raved about something involving 'pure of heart' and then 'OH WHY IN THE WORLD DID I HAVE TO BE THE ADORABLE ANIMAL SIDEKICK FOR THIS ONE?!'... It squeaked something out about traveling to the evil ruler's citadel, which was considerably easy since I apparently arrived before the stereotypical "powerful guards who challenge you to get into the location" creatures got there... Then I confronted the ruler in a fancy showdown... I threw a monkey at him and while he was looking the other way clawing at his face I whacked him over the head with the sword and for good measure threw him out a window. The oppressed townspeople got together for a song-and-dance routine, at which point I assumed the role of ruler and grabbed the orb, and unleashed my horrible hordes of monsters far beyond comprehendable description. And then I laughed at a monkey trying to open a banana the wrong way and ate its soul.




There was no point to this whatsoever. I apologize for wasting your time. Or maybe I don't.



School was boring today, anyways. Aside from art, where I got to draw creepy things, and my Social Studies class, where we talked about Julius Caesar and such, it was DULL. I think some knowlegde threw itself out of my head in horror, to be honest...


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Oh, GMan..........That was the most EPIC story in all EXISTANCE! The entire WORLD must read it THIS INSTANT!


...........My day was boring.............In Art class, one of my friends asked me to sing Marilyn Manson's cover of Golden Years to her after I showed her the lyrics...........And I did..............Unfortunately, I couldn't say the "whop whop whop"'s without laughing...........I can't do it the way he did...........

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Oh, GMan..........That was the most EPIC story in all EXISTANCE! The entire WORLD must read it THIS INSTANT!


...........My day was boring.............In Art class, one of my friends asked me to sing Marilyn Manson's cover of Golden Years to her after I showed her the lyrics...........And I did..............Unfortunately, I couldn't say the "whop whop whop"'s without laughing...........I can't do it the way he did...........

I know... I will hold their faces to the screen and force them to read it! EVEN IF THEY ARE ILLITERATE!


Ironically, I kinda sing the "whop whop whop" parts to myself coz they stick to my mind... And I won't question why you had a copy of the lyrics, as who knows when they'll come in handy... Stranger things have happened... For one, Madonna hasn't realized most people hate her and just wish she would go away now...

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