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Taka Nuvia


Always remember to make copies of your data! :)


Yep. Even if that means burning discs with tons and tons of scans and photographs. But thankfully it doesn't take that long. ^^


I mean, I'm really really scared of losing everything if my computer crashes... yes, I know, I uploaded a lot to majhost and brickshelf, but just imagine re-collecting all those images... sounds like a nightmare to me. D=


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I have said big external hard drive; and while I don't have everything on it just yet, I'll definitely need to work on that, since, well, I'll need it to happen soon...

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I have lived your nightmare. ;_;


Last summer, my old laptop decided to pack up and its things and leave me all alone in this cruel world. It had been trundling along for a while and the graphics card had given up long before...It was really low-tech little thing so I guess I over BZP-d it. I hadn't backed anything up. The only thing I managed to save was all the songs I'd bought off of iTunes, which was about 700 of them. Fortunately, I also had my CD's which was another rough 300. The other 1000 I had to manually write down and hunt for off the net. ;_; Never again.

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I'm dealing with that right now ;-;


Recently I lost all my backgrounds and spritesheets as well as my art. I only managed to save the art, backgrounds and spritesheets I managed to upload online. My Flashdrives are too small.

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