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First Game I've Ever Beaten





Well, I beat Mass Effect 2. Took 30 hours. I failed Thane's loyalty mission (and was too stupid to reload and do it again) and got half my crew (Kelly, Gabby, Rupert...) killed. But hey, I beat it nonetheless! :P


I also got my sister hooked on it (she's in love with Garrus completely) aswell, and I've now started a second playthrough with my same Shepard on normal instead of casual to pass the time while I wait for the first game to arrive in the mail. Didn't bring my Space Hamster to the second career though :(


Also Tali and Garrus are best characters, and as far as I'm concerned, the only romance options. They're both so awkward and adorable and not full of themselves (coughmirandacough) and yeah. Is it bad to dream of fictional alien women with fishtanks on their heads?




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This made no sense at all to me. Now I know what non-Marvel/Transformers fans feel like. I'm still largely indifferent and will bombard them with my encyclopedic knowledge of superheroes and robots.

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Tali and Garrus are both so adorable. Having seen Tali's relationship to its conclusion and watched videos of Garrus' romance, I can say that they are the best. Garrus' is better than Tali's, IMO. Garrus is so adorable.

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If I get Mass Effect 2 I think I'll start a second file with femshep so I can romance Garrus


Dunno why but I find him kind of attractive

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I agree, dialogue-wise, Garrus' is a bit better. But I can't help liking Tali more because girl. :P


Though watching some vids from ME3... She seems to have changed a bit. Not as friendly.

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Garrus is better. So many innuendos. Not that there's much between them.


It was a pity it takes so long in 3 to get the old team back together, but at least Garrus is there pretty much from the off.


Well, she did have a lot on her mind at the time. So does Shep. A paragon spends half his time moping to everyone he meets. Wrex is about the only one who's not fazed by the whole "worlds ablaze" thing.

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