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The Best Feeling In The World



I'm cleaning up my room right now (OF MY OWN FREE WILL =O) and it's looking really good. I finally put all my Bionicle sets back together and have them all displayed on the walls. And then I go to throw some birthday and Christmas cards out, and what do I find?






I'm curious as to what is in my bedside cabinet, and I open the drawer to find about $400 in it.






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I cleaned my room the other day. There was no money to be found...Just what I can only describe to be "organic matter" at the bottom of my bin, that I think was fruit at one time.


But Bundalings raises a good point. How does $430 go missing and you don't even notice nor remember? o_o

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Best security system: fill your room with random junk so that no one will find your valuables. Not even you.

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@everyone: Well, I have a knack for putting a lot of money in my wallet. My mom hates me doing it and always yells at me to take it out. I can only assume that I took some out because she told me to, and then put it in my bedside cabinet. I probably forgot about it because then with the help of my aunt, my Mom was finally able to pay off the $360 she owed me, which I then put into my wallet.


@Chols: Funny you should mention that. Back when we got robbed about half a year ago, the thief had looked through my brother's room, but not mine. My door had been opened, but the room was untouched, even though all the robber had to do was look down and right to see my wallet in plain sight. I can only assume he opened the door, saw a shelf full of Bionicles, and figured it was a kid's room that wasn't worth looking into. In summary: My Bionicle sets protected my room.



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:kaukau: For some reason that robbery story reminds me of a certain Calvin & Hobbes strip.


Kind of creepy that you got robbed, by the way. I've never had that happen, except for when I leave my stuff out in public.


So what are you thinking of doing with $430?


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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