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Garreg Mach

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The Hippopotamus Pool



To Disney, Day 6: The Hippopotamus Pool


So today we went to Animal Kingdom, and let me tell you, I’m fairly certain you were all lying to me all along. :P That is to say, I think Animal Kingdom might have been my favourite park. Is it worth a second visit? Probably not. Anyway, key points of the day:

  • I went on Expedition Everest five times throughout the day, four of them being in a row. That roller coaster is wicked.
  • The river raft thingy ride was pretty sweet and I did it twice; the first time I got completely soaked and was thus wet the entire day. As soon as I got dry I did it again.
  • The Dinosaur time travel ride was awesome, but I only did it once. Still, Disney once again worked their technology magic.
  • I got a bunch of character photos today, so my time here is officially complete- I got Pluto, Goofy, Donald (!!!!!!!!!), Goofy again, Daisy, Mickey, and Rafiki. It was pretty sweet.

Anyway, that’s the day in short- Hollywood Studios tomorrow!


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Okay...those were the cool rides (Kali River Rapids and Expedition Everest). The rest of it...ehh (and that is sad, being that it's the newest of the main parks).


And HOORAY!!! You FINALLY got Donald!!!!!!!!!




EDIT: Why did you post this entry twice?

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Maybe it has changed...last time I went, it wasn't all that exciting, from what I remember. But then again, that was eight or nine years ago, so how could I possibly remember things from that long ago? :P


MGM was okay, the one thing I liked about it was the Indiana Jones Movie Stunt show they had, never went on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, so I can't tell you what that will be like if you go on it. The Great Movie Ride was pretty fun as well.


I think the trip to that park was ruined for me because of the trouble with one of the people working there, who had obviously had a bad day and decided to cause trouble with people coming into the park. Really irritating process to get her to actually let my family and I in the park... >_<

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I posted it twice because I suck, and I actually posted iit like six times. xD I maanged to delete all but one extra entry before I had to leave.


That sucks- that would ruin the day.

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