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Little-known Member Facts

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


This entry will be dedicated to as many members as my Veggietales-obsessed mind can think up. You all remember my "little-known member fact of the day"? I'm going to write down as many as possible, some of which you may recognize. If you think up any I missed, feel free to add them!


I have more up!


Still, I can't know every little-known fact. If there's something about yourself or your friends which few members know about, such as your skills in anim8or or the fact that you started a fad, please, go ahead and tell me, and I'll add them to the content block!







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Little known member facts: Dalek: The Toa Destroyer was given a nuclear physics lab for his birthday.

Dalek: The Toa Destroyer was also given 100 chickens and a guillotine.

Dalek: The Toa Destroyer now knows that chickens will run around for a while after having their heads removed.

Dalek: The Toa Destroyer is developing hydrogen, anti-chicken warfare.

Dalek: The Toa Destroyer needs funds for his research (HINT!HINT!)

Dalek: The Toa Destroyer has braces.

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Konta knows Turakii's real name.


Konta's brother is sometimes reffered to as Spider-man.


Konta's dad has been to Mongolia four times.


Konta can write in cursive blindfolded.


Konta can make Iced Coffee that tastes like StarBucks.


Konta has only had StarBucks twice in his whole life.





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Little-Known Member Fact:


Lady Kopaka can Breakdance. :P


Lady Kopaka has now used up 5 Sketch Books.


Lady Kopaka is the only claimed member that thinks 'Dadgum' and 'Dadjimit' is a real word.




Yep. :P And btw Turakii, all those member facts are awesome and so entertaining to read.

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Little-known member fact: Konta knows Turakii's real name.


Yeah, and so do I. And I know Traku's, and you both know mine. :P That can be a new LKMF, by the way.



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I'm a twin, and my brother wants to be a member but isnt, he's into BIONICLE as much as me, we own all the BIONICLEs except some of the playsets and some of the McToran and some of the Rahi.

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I'm a twin, and my brother wants to be a member but isnt, he's into BIONICLE as much as me, we own all the BIONICLEs except some of the playsets and some of the McToran and some of the Rahi.


Never mind. He's a member now. His name is The Toa of Fire.

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Little known facts about Aero/Seran: he's still on the Quest to Find a Good Name.


He's almost a vegetarian (but doesn't like enough vegetables).


His favourite colour is silver, but he normally uses blue or red for posts


He writes a lot of violence and gore into his novels, but he can't stand the stuff in real life


He has a fear of dropping knives onto his feet



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Little-known member fact: Barraki Zuju has recently been discovered by Turakii to exist.


Little-known member fact: Barraki Zuju exists! :o


I guess you do live under a rock...

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Little known member fact:Kurnak the Overlord is possibly the youngest member ever to post, being 8 years old. EVEN smaller known member fact:Gemini476 likes pie.Especially blueberry...But apples good too.

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Little-Known Member Fact: Nukora has noticed that many people knowingly or un-knowingly steal the color 8000FF when posting.
What now? :rolleyes:


I once made an animation with Pac-Man and Toa Nuju's mask sprites as ghosts, but I'm still not sure who the bad guy is in that one.


I can't stand people's speaking in third person. No, Toaraga can't. :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa is Portuguese.

Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa isn't alive.

Little Known Member Fact: Turakki sometimes has no inspiration! :OMG:

Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa is not really a Werewolf.

Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa knows most of the Star Wars Alien Species' Names. :o


The Disousa

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Little known member fact: Norik's Prophecy has a talking dog.

Little known member fact: Norik's Prophecy is actually a Dalek.

Little known member fact: Dalek: The Dark Hunter Destroyer is not really a Dalek.

Little known member fact: Dalek: The Dark Hunter Destroyer is actually a Cyberman.

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Cool! I just found this, Turakii! (And boy, do I have a lot of good ones):


Lewa0111 created a science fiction book series called A Weapon Master's Legacy.


Lewa0111 has written and co-authored over 18 comedies.


Toa of Randomness and Pie knows Lewa0111's real name.


Lewa0111 knows Toa of Randomness and Pie's real name.


Toa of Randomness and Pie and Lewa0111 are friends in real life.


Lewa0111 and Toa Gabriella have co-written a comedy without ever meeting each other once in real life.


Lewa0111 wishes he knew Turakii's real name. :P


Lewa0111 owns all of the 2006 BIONICLE sets except RftMoLi.


:blink: is Lewa0111's favorite emoticon, followed closely by :afro:.


Bob the Pirate :pirate: is not a real member.


Neither is Joe the Coffee Rahkshi :wakeup2:.


In fact, no member has an emoticon in their name, as that is just not possible to do.


Gali1000, who was used as an anti-author version of Lewa0111 in several comedies, is in fact a real member.


Lewa0111 cannot think of any more little-known member facts as of now.


:miru: Lewa0111 :miru:

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In fact, no member has an emoticon in their name, as that is just not possible to do.

:miru: Lewa0111 :miru:

Actually, Yes there is: :smeag: The smeag.




Frankin-kal-96 is an altered Bohrok.



Frankin-kal-96 is one of the few remaining inhabitants of Mata Nui.


Frankin-kal-96 is in a morral dilemma about wheather he should fulfill his destiny and release the bahrag, or leave it be and preserve it's beauty.

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Little-known member fact: Nova Hunter may be referred to as just "nova" - if anyone wanted to mention him (please? someone mention me? anyone? ... :( )

LKMF: Nova Hunter hates chewing gum.

LKMF: Nova Hunter has never been yelled at by Omnicron...though that could change easily

LKMF: Nova Hunter likes Relient K!

LKMF: Nova Hunter plays the piano.

LKMF: Nova Hunter wants to join the Marines next year.

LKMF: Nova Hunter likes to talk (no, really? :P )

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Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 has never once entered a starbucks.


Frankin-kal-96 knows where starbucks got its name and has read the novel where it came from.

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Little know member fact: KB has been a Bionicle fan since the beginning! He's a L.T.F.O.L! Long Time Fan Of Lego!


Little known member fact: KB has actually been coming to BZP for much longer than he's been a member, the join thing would not work for him, so he changed his e-mail so that it could work.

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Ithranna is Fiercely protective of her friends, sleeps in weird positions, she sings in the shower and is a devoted Homestar Runner Fan (Go Strong Bad!!!!) and has not met anyone on here who lives near her... yet



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