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Little-known Member Facts

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


This entry will be dedicated to as many members as my Veggietales-obsessed mind can think up. You all remember my "little-known member fact of the day"? I'm going to write down as many as possible, some of which you may recognize. If you think up any I missed, feel free to add them!


I have more up!


Still, I can't know every little-known fact. If there's something about yourself or your friends which few members know about, such as your skills in anim8or or the fact that you started a fad, please, go ahead and tell me, and I'll add them to the content block!







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Guest Phyoohrii


Fairly known member fact: Phyoohrii is the most commonly mispronounced and misspelled username on BZP. According to Phyoohrii.

Little known member fact: Phyoohrii's a little known member fact in himself.


IPB Image

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Uatona Nui used to be able to ride(and turn) on a bike with out hands.


UN once had a dream of a Bionicle mask that looked similar to the head of the Karzahni set before pictures were found.


UN once dreamed that he met GMan(but GM looked more like UN's friend with a moustache).


UN is good at figuring things out, like: computers, building stuff, and music.


UN is learning to play The Entertainer and Maple Leaf Rag on the piano.


UN is an AAR fan.


UN is a Boy Scout of America.


UN says BSA is funner than some people say.


UN recently discovered he is not a Toa.


Or any kind of Bionicle for that matter.


UN is doing this partially because he doesn't have a blog yet.

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CtD once lit himself on fire accidentally.


CtD secretly likes movies with romance in them (but not stupid romantic comedies... blegh)... (but will deny it if asked... I deny I said this)

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I have more!


Little known member fact: Norik's Prophecy has convinced two of his best friends to join BZPower (Visorak Cooper, ~~Wolfitout2311~~).


Little known member fact: Norik's Prophecy despises cheese.


Little known member fact: Norik's Prophecy has been to Skaro and back.


Little known member fact: Skaro had exploded by the time NP got there.


Little known member fact: Also, by the time he got back.

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Little known fact: Queen of the Hyper Bohrok has eight younger siblings.


Little known fact: She prefers to be called Hydok.


Little known fact: Hydok has a crush on Spiderman.


Little known fact: And Nuju.


Little known fact: Hydok speaks Latin.


Little known fact: And she can sing the entire Gibberish song word perfect as well.



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Little-Known Member Fact: Norik's Prophecy only know 2 words plus the chorus of It's The End of the World of the World as we Know it by R.E.M.


It's the end of the word as we know it...

It's the end of the word as we know it...

It's the end of the word as we know it...

...And I feel fine.



Something something something something something something...




Something something something something...

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Well, I decide to give you some Little-Known Member Facts, so here:

1) Little-known member fact: JMJ is the short version of Jedi Master J.

2) Little-known member fact: JMJ views himself as a member of a dying breed of people, who choose to wear glasses instead of contacts to improve his vision.

3) Little-known member fact: JMJ wears light brown framed oval shaped glasses.

4) Little-known member fact: JMJ has dark brown hair and blue eyes.

5) Little-known member fact: JMJ tend to be mistaken as knowing a lot about Star Wars, when he mainly only has knowledge about movies' storyline.

6) Little-known member fact: JMJ has the Wii at his house.

7) Little-known member fact: JMJ don't like to talk in the third person.

8) Little-known member fact: JMJ plans to make an accordion book for an art project in school with the Toa Mata's Kanohi masks in it.

9) Little-known member fact: JMJ goes to Public school.

10) Little-known member fact: JMJ wants to see PotC 3.

11) Little-known member fact: JMJ keeps two dictionaries close by his computer incase he need to look up a word.

12) Little-known member fact: JMJ has made two bookshelves out of shoeboxes to hold his Bionicle books and dictionaries in.

13) Little-known member fact: JMJ isn't an only child; he has a young brother and an older sister, which makes him: a middle child.

14) Little-known member fact: No one beside JMJ in his family is a fan of Bionicle.

15) Little-known member fact: JMJ likes to read Science Fiction stories.

16) Little-known member fact: JMJ has always like stories that tell you, the complete story of a character’s life for it give the story a real life feel to it.

17) Little-known member fact: JMJ sleeps on his back, not his stomach.

18) Little-known member fact: JMJ can't wait for the seventh book in the Harry Potter series to come out.

19) Little-known member fact: JMJ is out of facts about himself at the moment.

Well, those were my member facts, if I think of anymore I'll post again. ~J.M.J.~

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Little-Known Member Fact: Takia can't MOC for his life. He's just very lucky at putting random things together.



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Little-Known Member Fact: Takia eats chicken at least in one meal every day.


Little-Known Member Fact: All of Takia's friends are girls except for three guys.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia loves singing.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia is a wonderful poet.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia lives in the same house as BZPower member BioCassey (which is shared by two sisters but aren't his sisters).


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia is in love.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia lives one hour away from school.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia lives on a farm.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia knows how to milk goats.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia has ridden goats and sheep.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia is scared of himself most of the time.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia can also sing the song Gibberish word-perfect.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia says he likes pie, but only likes Oreo pie.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia hates cake with a passion.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia is a guy.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia likes girly things and colors.


Little-Known Member Fact: Takia loves complimenting girls on their looks, clothes, and accesories.



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Little-Known member Fact: Laughin'Man has naturally soft blonde hair.


Little-Known member Fact: Laughin'Man prefers to be called LM.


Little-Known member Fact: Laughin'Man sometimes drinks cofee.


Little-Known member Fact: Laughin'Man can't stand bad grammar.


Little-Known member Fact: Laughin'Man believes he looks like a young Tobey McGuire.


Little-Known member Fact: Laughin'Man once sang the Oscar Mayer Weiner song in front of a crowd of people.

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Little-known Facts:kokojo talks to him self

Little-known Facts:kokojo can turn both his feet backwards

Little-known Facts:kokojo has a hate for people touching him

Little-known Facts:kokojo refers to himself in third-person

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Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap is obsessed with the band Skillet.


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap owns 8 Star Wars DVDs and 20 Star Wars books.


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap's favorite Star Wars character is Zekk.


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap is pretty sure he's the only one who knows who Zekk is...


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap can sing...


Little-known member fact: ...Without breaking any windows.


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap says: "Everything I tell you is a lie."


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap thinks that everyone named 'Zachary' should move to Mars.


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap likes action movies, but not westerns.


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap doesn't talk much.


Little-known member fact: Ko-Zap thinks Turakii should use color=maroon for

the Little-known member fact content block.

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little-known member facts about me:


I'm 12

I know what "eureka means"

I believe in ghosts

I believe a ghost lives in my room

I believe a ghost lives in my house

I can type words!

I like the song "Welcome to the Black Parade"

I read at a 15th grade level (or i think i do)

I'm afraid of mirros (I truly am)

I'm afraid of darkness

I'm afraid of very little

I almost went on the SeaSerpent at Morey's Pier in Wildwood, but I backed out

I rank number 13 out of 25 and 24 out of 57 on my class/grades popular list (or so my friend who found it says)



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Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 hates dial-up and AOL with every fiber of his being.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 has the same feelings about disney and its underlings.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 plays Halo on the PC, and is proud of it.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 has Halo: Custom edition for the PC, and has piloted everything from a human mongoose ATV to a covanant scarab tank to a human longsword assualt bomber.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96's Halo disk is all scratched up from his worthless disk drive so he had to have it buffed.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 is going to take a potato-cannon to his computer if Halo won't run after getting the disk buffed.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 loves older music a lot more then a lot of newer music.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 speaks fluent leet, but still trys to use proper english in his posts.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 owns a cat, and hates dogs.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 always roots for the "bad guys."


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 dosen't like pie, and dosn't think it's funny.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 uses IE, and not firefox.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 uses niether a mac or a PC, but a strange hybrid of the two called an "Emachine."


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 loved 2005.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 loves the bohrok va.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 dosen't have a cell-phone, and isen't panning on getting one.


Little known member fact: if Frankin-kal-96 could have the life of a billionare with many servants attaining to his every whim, and all he would have to give up was the internet, he woulden't take it. He loves the internet too much.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 loves weather most people hate.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 is a non-conformist.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 want to learn how to code DNA.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 has prophetic dreams. (The world is going to end on 7/7/07! Get out while you still can!)


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 has many great pictures in his head he just has to express, but has no talent in the visual medium.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 has a great talent for writing, but would trade it for the ability to make great art at the drop of a hat.


Little known member fact: Frankin-kal-96 is just the slightest bit neurotic.


There, I'm done.

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Little Known Member Fact:I hate pie

Little known member fact:I have a real Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band album. (stupid spell check)

Little known member fact:I'm the only one who started the Diet Coke and Mentos fad on BZP, And now releasing the Paul is Dead fad......



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Little Known member Fact: In the year 51005, Norik's Prophecy will be reveared to as a hero.


Little Known Member Fact: Daleks have taken over Norik's Prophecy's household.


Little Known Member Fact: Norik's Prophecy now has little time to live.


Little Known Member Fact: Norik's Prophecy is about to be-- "EXTERMINATE!" *bzzzzk*

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Little-known member fact: The Sword of the Heart cannot see his forehead.:???:(Embarassing) Little-known member fact: The Sword of the Heart once thought that Turakii #1 Lavasurfer was a boy.:blush:TSotH
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Uh..I'm not interesting so here it goes. :(


Sent three of my Bionicle Fan-Made comics to the Lego company, they loved it, and when I sent my first one (when I was seven) they sent me an orange Krana.


Plans to make a Computer Animated (like the Lego Bionicle shorts) Movie covering ALL of 2006. Basically, his interpertation of it.


Favorite years of Bionicle: 2001, 2002, 2006.


Knows B-Ninja, Rabin: Toa of Electricity on several other sites.


Would bow down to the comedy god Lewa0111 if met in real life.


Would know nothing about computers (except for the internet), if it weren't for Bionicle.


Likes to voice-act because of his inspiration form the MNOLG Makuta.


Favorite song: Preliator, because if you use your imagination, you can make a story out of it. ;)


Has no clue what ellipses are.



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Wow.I`m pretty late.



Anuki is not related to Onuki in any way.


Anuki looks up to Seran and constantly tries to use the fancy words Seran uses


Anuki has never eaten pie for even once in his life.


Anuki does not know who or what is Dr.Pepper


Anuki constantly gets an 'a' in Maths


Anuki is 11 years old

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