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@Wotz: Ssh!


@Pyrrhon: It's a harness, and the guy who made it is a cheapskate. Also, in the game's canon, it isn't like that. XD

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I know others have made this observation, but...


It's a foot. :P


Although I must admit, the second picture is a pretty good drawing of a difficult foot to accurately portray.

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I know others have made this observation, but...


It's a foot. :P


Although I must admit, the second picture is a pretty good drawing of a difficult foot to accurately portray.

Well :censored: done, Despair. XD


Thankyou, I made it in about ten minutes because I was bored during Science. I'd already gotten 83% in my test and didn't need to negotiate with the teacher for extra marks like everyone else. XD

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Okay, I really tried my best to distract myself from that fact, and see it differently, but those black dots in the first drawing totally look like eyes to me. D:


The side view thingie is well done, though. ^^


(But lined paper, whyy ;n; )

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@DJ: That's funny. I see the AI sphere as the 'eye', and the blue cross as the pupil. :P




I wouldn't have used it if I had any other choice, honestly. :crying:

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Okay, I really tried my best to distract myself from that fact, and see it differently, but those black dots in the first drawing totally look like eyes to me. D:




Although it gives him sort of hollow, lifeless eyes, combined with the ball piece that makes him look almost like a gas mask.

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Thankyou, I made it in about ten minutes because I was bored during Science. I'd already gotten 83% in my test and didn't need to negotiate with the teacher for extra marks like everyone else. XD


I can hardly blame you for drawing Bionicles in science (one time a couple of students joined with me to reenact WW2 with plastic toy soldiers in Geometry, and that involved physically bringing in toy soldiers in the 9th grade).


My question is, though, why have an Intelligence Dampener? Wheatley was only made to keep GLaDOS in check by filling her mind with dumb ideas. What good reason could you have to make the perfect moron otherwise? :P




I'm looking too deeply into this, aren't I? I need to think like everybody else here and say...


Nice foot, man. Nice foot.


But nobody is gonna take a giant foot harness out of the ship. Especially a talking foot harness. :P


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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I actually have a perfectly good reason.

The Intelligence Dampener was created to talk incessantly, in order to distract the main AI running the ship to the point where it can only just complete the tasks it was intended for.


Thanks. XD


Believe it or not, there is a perfectly good reason for which he is taken out. However, this is the one from Keuirce's ship, and it won't be discovered until the RPG is nearly over (the one from the ship your characters wake up on went into overdrive and fried itself in the process).

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Well, at least Ian can step on the gas when he's driving the ship.


After all, he does have a lead foot.

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I feel like he's gonna try to boot me out of the ship.


I doubt he has trouble stomping on annoying bugs, though.

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Okay guys, you need to stop.

But, for the record, Kal's ship-driving and computer jokes were much better than yours, Pyrrhon. Sorry, but it's true. XD

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I'm afraid, V-3, that I have to put my foot down-I can't let you do this.


I'm going to be the sole winner of this argument.


I mean, I don't want to become arch enemies, but if you're going to toe the line I'm going to have to run you out of here.

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Sorry Grochi, but you won't be walking out of here. When I'm done, the comedic wounds will take forever to heel.


So put your feet up and relax, because I don't really want to sock it to you. But I'm the king of word fights, and if the shoe fits, I'm going to wear it.



Edit: Sorry, didn't see your comment, Vorex.

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