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I Guess I've Done Okay In School...

a goose


I've gotten most of my results. They aren't my best, but I suppose they're okay:


French: 91%

English: 86%

Special Music: 85%

History: 85%

Technology: 84%

Science: 83%

Geography: 82%


- Vorex


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Looks like some pretty good grades to me.


I've gotten some of my grades back now, too.



Global Mythology: 97.78%


World Cultures 2: 97.70%


Spanish 2 part 2: 95.78%


Chemistry 2: 94.00%

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How then you do better in French than anything else?


Mind = Blown

I was already bilingual, so learning languages comes easily to me.

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You people are geniuses.


Although that's probably because I suck at most things :P


Also, I only did proper exams for Science and Maths, then we did an English one that was marked with a GCSE mark scheme (I'm in top set for English, and we're expected to get Cs, but I got a B+ B)). Science we haven't gotten results for yet (though it was enough for me to move up two sets in one go), but in Maths I got like, seventy something percent.


I feel like an cool dude now :( But when I get my science results... YOU'LL SEE! YOU'LL ALL SEE!

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@Doctor Wotz: That there is the lowest mark I have ever gotten in science. I have been interested in science since I was four years old. I knew the structure of an atom by the time I was eight. I could comprehend Quantum Theory by the time I was twelve.

And I didn't revise for any of these tests, apart from history.

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I got A's/B's in everything except English.


I think I got a D in English, if not an F.


That, kids, is what happens when you don't do your homework.

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Surely most RPG players should be getting at least Bs in English. I'm dissapointed in you, Grochi! >:( :P

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Surely most RPG players should be getting at least Bs in English. I'm dissapointed in you, Grochi! :angry: :P

I always get pretty high A's in English, and my teachers all love my creative writing. Heck, I even managed to fit some Rahkshi in two or three of my essays, but no-one ever noticed. XD

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To be fair, my entire story was just a guy going to a bar and killing five or so people in gruesome ways because they did nasty things to his wife. For something that simple, a B is pretty good.


I took some inspiration from TD, of course, and some films and such :P

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I always get full marks in my creative writing essays, because I think up original stories which borrow from here and there (the Rahkshi died much like the Martians did in The War of the Worlds)

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Creative writing essays and things like that, I always got top marks in.


Tests, I always got top marks in.


But I just flat out refused to do the homework.

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Creative writing essays and things like that, I always got top marks in.


Tests, I always got top marks in.


But I just flat out refused to do the homework.

It's actually exactly the same for me, only my teacher never checks our homework. XD

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