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I agree the mask is excellent. The way you stylized the Rode fits perfectly.


I kidna feel like her legs are way too long, but it looks good for some reason.

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Yeah, she does have really long legs. I'm not sure why they turned out like that, but when I tried drawing them shorter I couldn't get them to look right, so I just went "Oh what the heck I'll just have them long".


Oh, and thanks@ both of you about the Rode.

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The detail and perspectives on this are quite good. To achieve more fluid poses, try using a line of action at the beginning of your drawing.


- 55555

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I like it, but she seems a little too slender. Also, the mask kinda gives a "shark" feel, but it doesn't take away from the overall earthy design.

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You mean she looks too thin, or she should be less sleek because she's a Toa of Earth?

Somewhat the first. She just seems a little too small in the torso department, straying from what seems "natural" in my view.

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Small and thin are different things. If her torso is too small (Which it kind of is as the legs are too long) that's different from it being too thin.

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i didnt even realize it was a rode :U


but it looks great <3


Only complaint is that the pose is rather awkward.

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I guess you could say all my poses are a bit awkward. I badly need to do some work on posture. Is there anything in particular that makes this one awkward?

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it sort of looks as though her weight is all on her left leg, like she's leaning forward a bit.


and her hands could just be down at her sides instead of folded sort of weirdly in front.

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I guess you could say all my poses are a bit awkward. I badly need to do some work on posture. Is there anything in particular that makes this one awkward?

Lines of action are the piece of the puzzle that you're missing I think. Try them!


This pose is static, there's no significant movement to it.


- 55555

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There's no movement whatsoever. I am designing the characters here, so I need them still in order to figure their designs out. But I'll by all means do some pictures with motion.

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