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To People Involved In The Library Forum Who View Other Websites

a goose


It has come to my attention that someone claiming to be me has plagiarised my epic (Shadows) and posted it on another website, claiming to be me, and even going so far as to copy my name.

This brings me to the main point of this blog post:

People, what is the point in plagiarism? How can you live taking credit for work that is not your own? How can you stand knowing that, any time you receive praise you are not truly being praised? Why plagiarise in the first place?

Why not stand back, and admire the other person's work from a distance? Why not work on your own writing? And, if you can't write, why not find some other talent?

But don't steal others' work and claim it as your own. It is stupid, it is immature, it is downright disgusting. I think I speak for all writers that have been plagiarised when I say DON'T DO IT.


- Vorex


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Unfortunately, it is the modern day. The Gentlemen and the Proper Ladies are dying out, leaving us with individuals with no sense of guilt when thieving or murdering. This is the modern day, unfortunately. And we must stomp this problem to bits.

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I know that they say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I don't feel flattered right now. More than anything I feel sad; I feel sad and ashamed because this person's need for attention has led them to steal another person's work and claim it as their own. I feel sad and ashamdd because this happens EVERY DAY, and it has gotten to the point where a lot of people don't even care anymore. I feel sad and ashamed because some of these people may not stop at plagiarism — they may grow to commit crimes, or waste their life on addictions of any kind. It is a sad world we live in if it is one where theft has become the norm, even if it is not legal theft. When people write, they write from their hearts. When people truly write they put their heart and their soul, they put the very essence of who they are into their work, just like any other kind of artist — you can't take that. You can't claim to be someone else, and that's essentially what you're doing.


Now, I'm going to go to sleep...


- Vorex

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Seriously? Ugh, what a mess. Hopefully you can get it taken down or something, though that's generally easier said than done with fan works.

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Vorex, imitation and down-right stealing are different.


Imitation is putting one's personal spin on something, not claiming it as one's own.

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Seriously? Ugh, what a mess. Hopefully you can get it taken down or something, though that's generally easier said than done with fan works.

Thankyou for your concern. :)


Vorex, imitation and down-right stealing are different.


Imitation is putting one's personal spin on something, not claiming it as one's own.

Actually, imitation can also be downright stealing. Imitation doesn't have specific boundaries, I'm afraid.

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