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How Different The Strategies Are...

Taka Nuvia


It's quite funny, I always enjoy watching my sis play RPGs; not at last because our strategies couldn't be more different.

I mean, I'm more the bow-and-arrow/distance fighter (or magic. Magic is awesome =P), and she's totally the combat type. Or rather, the "Imma run in and hit anything that moves with my sword". Something that never works for me, but she's quite good at it. ^_^




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When I played Runescape, I used swords instead of arrows. But in that game, that was probably because I didn't want to have to buy arrows all the time :P

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I'm the 'run in and smash everything with a sword until it stops moving' kind of guy. Always have been, always will be. =P ... Except in TWEWY, that game's just crazy. :rolleyes:

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But in RTS's, on the other hand, I'm extremely defensive, prefering to surround my base with direct-fire defences and lots of extra shields, while putting heavy artillery installations in the center, instead of doing a suicidal ACU rush.

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In all games, I weaken my opponents with long-distance and then finish them off with close-up, melee attacks. Well, I normally stick to the long-distance, but in Kid Icarus I finish them off with melee.

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Bow and arrows. <3


(Also sneaking. It's so fun to watch them flounder around looking for the guy who put an arrow through their buddy's chest... Far away from where I am. =P)


- :burnmad:

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