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So Steam sale guys.

I picked the perfect time to have a birthday. :D


I've got a $50 dollar cap, and I fully plan on using it all.



But I have a question for people, seeing as this is my first Steam Sale.


Do the smaller deals (like how Bastion is 33% off now) stay up for the full 10 days?


Say Bastion doesn't get any lower than 33% off, will it stay 33% off the whole time?

Or go back to full price later?


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Some games get cheaper as the sale goes on, so holding off might be smart.


Each sale game shows how long the sale price will last, so watch that to know how long to wait (there should not be a second sale price after the time limit).


also some games are on sale for a day only so watch out for them.

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Okay, Steam Summer/Winter Sale Extravaganzas 101:


See a game you want? Cool. It's on sale? Even better. Should you buy it? Let's see...


1. Is the game a daily deal or Flash Sale? (If yes, BUY NOW! If no, read on.)


2. Is it the last day of the Summer/Winter Sale? (If yes, BUY NOW! If no, read on.)


3. So, it isn't a daily deal or flash sale and there's still a few more days until the sale ends, eh? DON'T BUY IT. It may become a daily deal/flash sale further down the road. Even if it was a daily/flash and you missed it, DON'T BUY until the last day. Ususally, the last day of the summer/winter sale is an encore of earlier daily deals.


BOOM I practically just handed you a pile of dirt-cheap games on a silver platter.


Takuma Nuva

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Yeah Takuma just explained it perfectly.


Also Bastion is awesome so hopefully that'll get a daily deal c:

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I'm still hoping for Quantum Conundrum to get a daily deal.


I want to have Discord yell at me during puzzles.

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I'm gonna assume that's a typo. :P


But hey, there's plenty of Pony models out there, I'm sure it'll happen.

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I'm not sure if this thread has gotten better or worse lol.


But yeah both games are great.


And why can't Skyrim be cheaper. ;-;

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Definitely better. :P


If it doesn't drop lower, still buy it. It was $40 when I bought it.

Totally worth it.

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