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You know, I get that there are people who don't like it, honestly I do. However, I do think a few people do need to calm down a bit.


One of the things that goes into making a forum skin is that it will not please everybody. Nothing ever does.


I'll be honest, there are things I personally don't like about the new skin, but there are some parts that I do like. I personally feel it would have been a waste of time if I did complain about it, especially as I probably wouldn't give the best constructive criticism. So, I've kept my mouth shut. And I will personally continue to keep my mouth shut.


There are a lot of people who love the skin, and there was a lot of hard work but into the skin by Than and others.


And you know what?


I think they did a great job.


So, please take a breath and if you do have constructive criticism, post it in a respectful manner. The people on the other side of the screen are human. Staff members are people too!


Everyone, even the staff sometimes forgets that. I've been there and I've made mistakes that I do regret making, but those learning experiences helped shape who I am today.


My point is, remember that there is someone on the other side of the screen. Even if you don't like something and wish to say why you don't like it, please do it respectfully.


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