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BZP Renaissance

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Yeah, so looking at the BZP Scrapbook topic, other members seem interested in this idea.


I want to ask the members here: Do you think we could organize such a thing?


What do you think a BZP Renaissance would entail?


I was thinking something like bringing back the old memes like "iN yOuR bAsE" and other sig fads like plushies, tuggles, kanoka disc collection banners, etc.


Let's re-watch some of SPIRIT's old PSA's and old comedies. XP This sounds like quite a bit of fun, personally, so if we get enough members to show some love to the old days, who knows? Maybe this could catch on.


Still, let's not dive right into this. There are loads and I mean LOADS of old things we could do, so let's brainstorm a bit, eh?


I hope other members are interested in this. ^^


Stay breezy,




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bringing back the old memes and [anything to do with] sig fads




Also, it would really be necessary to have a surge in old-style art (epics, MOCs, and art, in our case) beyond this "study" of the past. Unfortunately, our techniques haven't really changed beyond changes in parts available for MOCs.

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My hopes! My dreams! Dashed aside like that dude asking that guy for ample food! D=


Why must you be so cruel?! WHY?!?!


Hah, I jest. XP

Still, I admit I wasn't considering all of the forum sectors on the site. I was thinking simple. Like plushie avatars and banners lined with MNOG images. XD


I imagine this entry will be getting some interesting responses. XP

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I mean, I think the point of a renaissance is revolution and evolution--as much as I miss that junk, I'd rather create new junk and be nostalgic about that in the future. Right now, it kind of feels like BZP is just missing something. There's no fascinatingly shocking RPG, no great writer with a massive following in any forum in Library or COT, no fads, no real legendary stuff going on. I guess a renaissance would renew the daily thrill BZP used to have in those categories.

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I was thinking something like bringing back the old memes like "iN yOuR bAsE" and other sig fads like plushies, tuggles, kanoka disc collection banners, etc.



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I mean, I think the point of a renaissance is revolution and evolution--as much as I miss that junk, I'd rather create new junk and be nostalgic about that in the future. Right now, it kind of feels like BZP is just missing something. There's no fascinatingly shocking RPG, no great writer with a massive following in any forum in Library or COT, no fads, no real legendary stuff going on. I guess a renaissance would renew the daily thrill BZP used to have in those categories.


^This^ I so want ^This^

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