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Ask Me ANYTHING Week - Day 7



I don't think I've ever taken part in this blogging cliche. So it's about time I did!


So go on. All week, I want people to be asking me questions. About absolutely anything.


I'd prefer them posted here, but go ahead and PM me too if you want to stay anonymous. I'll probably post the answers here - maintaining anonymity - unless they're not appropriate/you don't want me to.


So ask away!




ALRIGHTY! It's day SEVEN! I've gotten a good batch of questions so far, but something appears to be lacking. They're all amusing. I want some personal ones! This is your chance to get to know me. So on this last day (well unless I do a day 8 just for this reason :P), feel free to let loose!


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>=( Don't ignore my question, please. =P

You asked it while I was typing my reply. :P



Does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?

This sounds like a calc 2 question. I hated calc 2.


No, because then it would contain a set that contained itself - itself.

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Why did my favorite French oldies station just rickroll me?

They're your favorite? Then I guess they're no stranger to love. But you probably know the rules of radio stations - and so do I. They just want to ensure a full commitment from you. You wouldn't get this from any other station. They wanted to let you know how they're feeling; to make you understand. They're never gonna give you up - you, their valued customer. They're never gonna let you down. They're never gonna run with other genres and hurt you. They'd never make you cry - unless from their beautiful music. They never want to say goodbye. They'll never lie about just to hurt you; but might if it's funny.

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If you built a medium-size star out of tacos, how many lemons would it burn per second?




It would burn ALL the lemons!

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What's your favorite mineral?

Umm.... Dietary: Potassium. Because bananas.

If-You-Didn't-Mean-That-Kind: Diamonds. Because diamonds.


:kaukau: Do you want to know how I got these scars?



Sure, I'd love to hear.

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:kaukau: My father was a drinker...and a fiend. And one night, he goes off craaazier than usual. Mommy grabs the kitchen knife to defend herself. He didn't like that.


Not. One. Bit.


So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me - heh - and he says "Why so serious?" He comes at me with the knife. "WHY SO SERIOUS?" He puts the blade in my mouth, aaaaaaannnd...


Why so serious?



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:kaukau: My father was a drinker...and a fiend. And one night, he goes off craaazier than usual. Mommy grabs the kitchen knife to defend herself. He didn't like that.


Not. One. Bit.


So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me - heh - and he says "Why so serious?" He comes at me with the knife. "WHY SO SERIOUS?" He puts the blade in my mouth, aaaaaaannnd...


Why so serious?



Because that sounds like a rather grave crime. You sound entirely justified for being serious and for my serious reaction, Mr. Serious.

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They're all amusing. I want some personal ones! This is your chance to get to know me. So on this last day (well unless I do a day 8 just for this reason :P), feel free to let loose!

My mineral question wasn't intended to be funny. I was legitimately curious.


So what was your favorite college experience? Or if you didn't take the college route, school experience in general?


What's on your bucket list?

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They're all amusing. I want some personal ones! This is your chance to get to know me. So on this last day (well unless I do a day 8 just for this reason :P), feel free to let loose!

My mineral question wasn't intended to be funny. I was legitimately curious.


So what was your favorite college experience? Or if you didn't take the college route, school experience in general?


What's on your bucket list?

Huh. Well okay then. I really wasn't sure what kind of mineral you meant, though, but I did try to answer it well. And my answers were honest at least.


Favorite college experience? That's tough... Going to my first concert - Bon Jovi - was freaking incredible. I truly loved the music. Unfortunately I didn't have any/many friends at the time, and the one good one I had made didn't reallyc are for his music. So I had to go alone... After I got back from that I was excited and depressed at the same time.


But then you have my first 24 hour video game marathon. I remember that fondly because it was a day in which I solidified a lot of friendships. And I was part of bringing ExtraLife to the school! (And as president of the club this year, you can bet we're doing it again.) So we were gaming for a good cause and it was all fun.


I don't think I've ever really sat down and done a bucket list... Might make for a good "cliche" blog entry later this week though. ;)

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Vorex: Keeper of Time, on , said:


When you close your eyes do you see my face?


- Vorex

Is your face jet black and devoid of features?


have you been stalking me?


- Vorex

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1. Xemnas, on , said:


Vorex: Keeper of Time, on , said:


When you close your eyes do you see my face?


- Vorex

Is your face jet black and devoid of features?


have you been stalking me?


- Vorex



:kaukau: That's another word for "Thesaurus"?




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:kaukau: If flying is safe, why are airport buildings called terminals?


Why do feet smell, but noses run?



Well the flight itself must end somewhere, so why not have it be a safe terminal?


If your feet are exceptionally smelly and your nose runny, you might want to have those looked at. I'm not seeing a problem here though. :P

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