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Novel Stuff Again...

Raging Land Squid


So, iwas working on my novel, and I got a thought... "What do people look for in a fantsy novel that makes it different from other novels?" So I thought I'd ask you guys. What would you like to see in a fantasy novel?


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Hmm... Probably deeper villain characterization and better usage of location... Creepy locations are great when they're given real depth and description, even histories...
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A creative plot. We have enough "find the sword/book/artifact, exact revenge on the creatures that kiled your entire family, destroy suchandsuch, save the princess etc., etc.," books already.

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I would like to see a lot and I mean a lot of action! (of course that may just be me) Books like Eragon, are good and contains action but the plot goes by very slow and parts are dull, probably to make the book look like it had a gazillion pages. This made me loose somewhat of an interest, so a book that has a lot of action yet still has a plot to it and a lot of twists and characters would be an awesome read for me!
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Uh, because it's terrible!?

Pff! I cracked up looking up at that.


Anyways, I'm not entirely sure. Sea monsters are a cool thing to include, as long as they're not cliche. But I'm sure you know all about unusual sea monsters, Cthulhu.


Another good thing is to further remove the world your story takes place in from ours through differences in even the most basic ways- Make your world flat, make it take place in the rings of a planet, I don't know... Just make your world awesome. Give it a name, too. Like... Fantasia. Except... Don't use that. It's copyrighted.


Different regions should have different-sounding names, too. They'd all start out with different languages, so the names would have to differ. You can't find a place with a name like Los Angeles in Japan, can you?


Different regions should also have different technology. Perhaps most of your characters use swords and axes and such, but, for variety, perhaps some far-off land has recently discovered gunpowder, and has primitive firearms?


Make sure to describe vividly the customs and clothing of foreigners- Indigenous people and explores can be very intrigued by these sorts of things. If you were an Aztec, what would you think of the Spanish the first time you see them?


That's all I could come up with. I'm not an expert when it comes to fantasy, but that seems to be pretty broad advice that can be used for most genres that involve a lot of imagination. I hope it helps.

Also, for my drawing, what kinds of weapons do the Skorgalni have? I think they'd look cool with scimitars.

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When it comes to a name, I have a pretty good one picked out... And the land this takes place on will be VERY interesting... Thanks for your input, WlX!

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Yeah, skeletons with guns aren't as evil-looking as skeletons with swords... But it makes for a much more likely band-name. SkElEtOnZ w/GUNZ seems like a death-metal band.

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They don't really use guns though... Only cirtain characters use those... (namely Elek and Abgi...)


EDIT: FK96, cars?

That just came to mind when you said they used weapons cast off from older battles.

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Yeah, I can see that... Heh heh heh... I'm making a band called Evil&Jesus... Yeah... Anywho, hows that drawing coming?

I just started a little while ago, as I've been pretty busy the last few days. I'm making it look like his armor is pieced together out of pieces of fallen foe's armor, but keeping the basic look of your drawing.

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Alright. The thing about the Skorgalni is that their armor gives them their power. The Skorgalni are fueled by souls, and their armor houses the soul that fuels the warrior...

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