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Garreg Mach

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The Pixar List - Cars - Rank 9




9th - Cars, 2006

iBrow Percentage: 86


A rookie racecar by the name of Lightning McQueen place in the first ever three-way tie for the Piston Cup. After becoming lost on the way to the final race, he discovers the abandoned Route 66, and the forgotten cars that live there.


Cars is... something else, compared to everything else from Pixar (barring Cars 2 of course). It's written off by many as Pixar's second-worst film, though to me I don't understand why. I feel that Cars does what its sequel doesn't; it adds the flash and dash that a racecar film should have, while managing to hold onto that mystical "Pixar Magic" we all know and love. Lightning McQueen's character goes through a very nice development throughout the film, so much so that after disliking him in the beginning I like him at the end.


The minor characters are a lot of fun to watch on screen too - Sally, Doc Hudson, Luigi, Mac, The King, Mater... and all the rest. The characters are what make the film for me, because there are so many of them but at the same time they all are compelling and make their screen time worth it. The story is fun to watch unfold, and the animation is spectacular, and the soundtrack does its job, but in the end, it's all about the characters. 100%. And it works.


Those are my thoughts in short. As you can see in the poster above, the hint was referencing it. And thus Cars. Now, a hint towards Rank 8...


twenty-three million? try ten thousand, nine hundred twenty-seven. need more? twenty thousand, six hundred twenty-two.


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Yes, Cars definitely is better than Toy Story.


Cars exists primarily to shift merchandise. The level of care and attention you find in Toy Story or Finding Nemo doesn't exist in Cars at all. There's no message or meaning to it, no multiple levels for people to enjoy it on. There's just none of that Pixar love in it. It's a cliche kids' film that might as well have been made by Dreamworks.


- Tilius

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I don't know, Tilius. I'll give you that Toy Story is the better film, but I'm convinced that Mr. Lasseter had a story he legitimately wanted to explore, and wasn't just strictly thinking about merchandise. And despite the shortcomings of the script, I feel that the film definitely touched upon some themes worth paying attention to. Such as how we should slow down and take the time to get to know people around us rather than just moving through on our own (well, that's what I got out of it anyway). And to be honest I find that no less cliche or cheesy than any theme given to us in Toy Story. But to each their own.


Of course, Mr. Lasseter also claims Cars 2 exists because of genuine inspiration and not to make more money. I'm not quite sure I fully believe that.

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I don't know, Tilius. I'll give you that Toy Story is the better film, but I'm convinced that Mr. Lasseter had a story he legitimately wanted to explore, and wasn't just strictly thinking about merchandise. And despite the shortcomings of the script, I feel that the film definitely touched upon some themes worth paying attention to. Such as how we should slow down and take the time to get to know people around us rather than just moving through on our own (well, that's what I got out of it anyway). And to be honest I find that no less cliche or cheesy than any theme given to us in Toy Story. But to each their own.


Of course, Mr. Lasseter also claims Cars 2 exists because of genuine inspiration and not to make more money. I'm not quite sure I fully believe that.


Cars 2 was just milking it, pure and simple. Cars is an actual movie.

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A direct-to-DVD movie, maybe. It's not a Pixar movie.


I mean, it is, but.....you know what I mean.


I'm really trying to work out why you like Cars more than Toy Story. Like, just objectively, I'd say Toy Story is all-round better. As objectively as possible. Did you see the original Toy Story before seeing the second two? Not that the answer to that will help, Cars is just a terrible movie and I'll never understand this.


- Tilius

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Of course I saw the first Toy Story before the other two. I saw every Pixar film in order except for Up and Toy Story 3.


I started this list because I have known for awhile now that my opinions on Pixar are far different from the norm

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A Bug's Life or Up? I don't know...


Anyway, Cars is definitely more of a Pixar movie than its sequel. It has that magic touch, for sure.


I would probably rate this higher though...but you're obviously saving that for Brave, which I would probably put 11th or something like that ;).



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