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I am ashamed of who I am.

Kevin Owens


My name is Gato, and I am ashamed of my bisexuality.


From a very young age I was taught by my parents that homosexuality was something of a great evil. Bad people were homosexuals, and they were bad people because of their homosexuality. While I wasn't taught explicitly to view homosexuals as as being inferior of me, the implication was always there that I was better than them. I was better than them just solely based off the fact that my sexuality was different than theirs. Since my parents never believed and still don't believe in bisexuality, that was never approached. However it still followed that bisexuals were in the same boat as the homosexuals.


This of course was flipped on its head when I realized that I was bisexual three years ago.


I probably would have realized it sooner had I grown up in a different environment than the one that espoused homophobia. Even one that was ambigulously neutral on the subject would have caused the realization much, much earlier. I would be lying if I were to say that it's easy. Even years later it's not an easy thing to be something when you've spent the past two decades having it engrained in you that what you are is something disgusting and evil. It's three years since I've realized I was a bisexual and even now images of gay couples make me uncomfortable. I know that it shouldn't, but even something as simple as two guys holding hands illicits an "Ick!" reaction from me despite the fact that they are representing something that I am. And this is just dealing with something that was on a personal level from my parents. I could go on about dealing with a culture that is by and large homophobic.


So please, people, don't be homophobic. Often you're doing more damage than you even realize.


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Just my two cents on this matter.


To all you people who are, for whatever reason, homophobic and whatnot (and this is not addressed at anyone here in particular), I have a question.

Why do you even care if people love men, or women, or both, or none, or whatever? It's their life, not yours, so I simply can't understand why you can't respect their orientations and beliefs. They are not hurting you in any way. All they want to do is be happy and loved. Isn't that what we all want? Why would some people have less right to this than others? And seriously: Given the tremendous amount of discrimination bisexual and especially homosexual people have to face EVERY DAY, do you think anyone would freely choose such a sexual orientation? Just for the lulz or what?


Seriously, this is stupid, stupid, stupid, and so so sad. Why can't we all simply respect each other, the way we are, the way we love and what we believe? Where is the big deal? I mean, homo/bisexual people aren't harming you in any way at all. But you, you are hurting them very much, and that is bad. Very bad. Disrespecting and hurting others who do nothing more than loving in a way you don't or simply don't understand doesn't make the least sense. At all. And it's just plain wrong, and you can try to argue this all you want.


This said, Gato, I understand it is very, very hard, but don't be ashamed. And I realize this is hard, but it's time noone should be discriminated for, or being ashamed of a significant part of who they are.


And this may sound silly, but if a world where there is only love and respect and no more hatred and disrespect can't exist while there is homophobia, then I prefer a world without heterosexuality (sure, this isn't going to happen and I wouldn't really like that, being heterosexual and all, but you get my point).


The world needs more love, not less.


Peace, love and hugs to all of you. Homosexuals, bisexuals, heterosexuals and homophobics alike. Homosexuality is not a thing you can cure or needs to be cured, but I think homophobia is.


EDIT: Reading this a day after posting it, I realize I shouldn't have posted this in such an aggressive tone. Consequently, I've modified several parts that could seem rude or offensive to other people. Sorry if I offended anyone.


-Gata signoff.png

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There are gonna be some people who never understand



See, I find an easy way to get round this, because I've done it myself a few times(Not about gays)


Ask yourself: "Why do I have a problem with these people/ this person?"

Evaluate and analyse the situation in your head(This is a great tactic for any problem)


If you come up with some reasons, ask yourself this question for each one:

"Does this harm me/effect me in a bad way"


If you genuinely get a yes for your reasons, then you are truly lost, at least for the time being. If the answer is no, well the mission complete.


So please, next time any one has an annoyance over a certain person, belief or group of people, use these two questions. They have helped me a lot.

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Reading through these comments was like eating a nest of spiders.

Knowing that they were on an entry where someone was already in conflict internally on that issue is even worse.

I'm sorry you had to go through this but I hope you can be happy with who you are, Gato.

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Reading through these comments was like eating a nest of spiders.

Knowing that they were on an entry where someone was already in conflict internally on that issue is even worse.

I'm sorry you had to go through this but I hope you can be happy with who you are, Gato.


Eh. I kinda knew that at some point I would get the reaction that I did so I was kinda prepared for it. I just wish that it hadn't had been as widespread and as vocal as it was.

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