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New Car!



blog-0183467001347935001.jpgItem by item, I'm getting the things that I require in order to lead a rather stable life.


Life in San Antonio has been different... way different than I had expected. Work is work and will always be work, and I'm still getting used to my shorter evenings.


The most recent item in my list of things I need is a new car. My old one looked okay, 2003 Ford Taurus, but it wasn't dependable. Going to work every morning was like playing a game of Russian roulette with being late. Had that not been an issue, I would've held off, but not that I have it, I gotta say I like what I've acquired!


It's a 2013 4-cyl Nissan Altima. Redesigned, black, sleek, all black interior, and a cool display up front. And the ride's a lot smoother.


I'm not a car guy so I won't be able to give you all the specs off the top of my head. I just know it has good MPG rating, automatic transmission (always - I'm never going stick), and 182 HP engine.


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Why you never go stick? :(

Because stick shifts are finicky beasts, like a cat but with even less control and also part of 2 tons of metal.

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Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out by not having learned stick shift, but only because, as you said, it does look awesome when someone else does it.

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