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a goose


"Hey, this isn't so bad! I wonder why everyone says they're so painful..."

2 Hours Later:

" :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: "


- Austin Powers


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I so agree. It takes sometimes a whole day after adjustment for the pain to really set in. My condolences.


But at least, unlike my retainer, they didn't trigger my gag reflex.

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Yeahhhh. The whole gag thing's a good point. Maybe used the retainer I was supposed to keep in 24/7 for 6 months forrrr 2 weeks?


If you're getting them it'll probably be worth it though.

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Your retainers made you gag? What kind of contraptions are they putting into your mouths? Seriously, mine only covers the majority of my hard palate; it's never made me gag.

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I actually have braces right now. Although I'm adapted to them now, I can't wait for the day they're taken off. Once they're off, I'll think to myself "there's so much space between my teeth now!"

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Thanks, guys. :D

I've pretty much gotten over the pain. The only difficulty now is the fact that I bit my cheek not long before I got the braces in, so that causes some problems. :(


Your retainers made you gag? What kind of contraptions are they putting into your mouths? Seriously, mine only covers the majority of my hard palate; it's never made me gag.

Mine is/was like yours (I've got braces on my lower teeth and a retainer on my upper teeth, and I'm probably getting braces on my upper teeth in November :angry: ), but I've seen the kind of ones they're talking about. They are not pleasant.


- Austin Powers

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