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Poster Girl

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: When I revisited my old hometown college there was a poster up on the walls for a choir group called the Canons. It was a very simple poster with some information and a picture of a very pretty girl on the front (she had short hair, which is an uncommon fashion among girls that I personally find very attractive), except for some reason her wonderful features were covered by a big circle-slash NO sign. That kind of annoyed me and I wondered why it was there, so I read the headline that went with it.


"Want to sing but don't want to go solo? Join the CANONS."


Okay, I guess it made sense. They took a picture of an individual, as opposed to a picture of a group, and put a NO sign over her. It really wasn't the best visual way to represent the canons, but whatever. I wasn't complaining, because the girl was attractive. For the rest of the extended weekend I would always glance at the poster. If I was going to that college, I would have joined the Canons just so I could flirt with her.


Later the NO sign made more sense to me when I read the rest of the information and realized that the headline and the picture weren't what went together, but the picture and the details in the description.



"The Canons is an all-male choir dedicated to the arts of music, camaraderie, and wooing women."


So basically, the picture meant "No women". I got it. That was unfortunate. I guess this girl wasn't in the choir. She probably wasn't even a member of the college and was just a pretty face that someone had pulled off the internet. Still, at least it had got me to notice the poster and realize that there was an all-male choir. What I had really hated about choir in high school were the girls. I have nothing against the opposite sex, but when I was new to the choir business the sounds of female voices naturally dominated over the men's, especially since girls took up the vast majority of the choir. I figured I would much rather be in an all-male choir. For one, there would be so much less drama. Maybe it's just a guy thing, but being around girls too much can sometimes get super annoying. So basically, maybe I'll join the Canons if I end up transferring to my hometown college.


Then still later it finally hit me. I groaned. I face-palmed. I pulled out a bottle of brain bleach.


The pretty poster girl was Justin Bieber.







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