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Garreg Mach

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The Pixar List - Up - Rank 8




8th - Up, 2009

iBrow Percentage: 88


So, where to begin? I suppose with the visuals. Honestly, I think I would consider Up to be Pixar's best looking film to date. Toy Story 3 is good, Brave is exceptional, and Cars 2 isn't to be mentioned, but none of them can match Up. There are only two Pixar films that come within a finger's breath of Up - A Bug's Life (I'll get to that later) and Finding Nemo, but Up still beats them both. The animation in this film looks so realistic and cartoony at the same time that I just can't help but love it. I truly wish we'd gotten more scenes in the broad daylight with this film.


If I had to have one complaint (unfortunately, you know it's gotta be a major one, right?), it would be the relevation of the main villain. All I can think about when watching that scene is how crushed I would be if I were Carl - I've waited my ENTIRE life, many decades, to meet this guy, and he immediately tries to kill me? That is crushing to the point where I don't enjoy the scene. I also dislike the chase scene where they have to run away from an entire army of dogs. The army of dogs is just too stupid for me to believe the characters are in any real danger. The main villain and his sidekick dog are the only brains of the operation, and that removes much of the threat.


Anyway, my thoughts in short once again. Feel free to disagree in the comments! ;D

The hint from the previous Pixar entry (you know, the one with all the numbers) referenced the number of balloons seen on screen at different points during the film. Now, your hint for Rank 7, coming tomorrow morning:




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Really? You would put Bug's Life as one of Pixar's most visually appealing films? I mean, it's pretty, but animation wise it doesn't hold a candle to their more recent films, like Up or WALL-E


Also, I'm confused. You give Up an 88, Brave an 87, but you would rank Brave higher? You haven't listed it yet at least.

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Did I not say I'll get to A Bug's Life later? I'm fairly certain I did. I'm not droning on about it during the post about Up, that's just silly.


Brave's personal rating has since changed, although I'm not changing the review score as that is what I thought while reviewing it. I've since seen it once more and re-thought my opinions a little.

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How is an army of dogs that stupid? It's like a pack of dogs, and getting chased by a pack of dogs is probably pretty scary.


Then again, you rate Cars higher than Toy Story, so it's not like any of this has to make sense anymore. :D


- Tilius

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Dog packs are very scary. I hate dogs in general though, so...


Surprised to see Up on the poorer half of this list. It was one of my favorites. But really, dogs don't need to be smart to be dangerous. I think you're right about Muntz, though.


Is the hint a dash? I can't tell what kind of punctuation mark it is, but if I'm right, I'm guessing it refers to Dash of The Incredibles, my favorite PIXAR film.

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:kaukau: This reminds me that I have to eventually publish a hierarchy of my own, although I've been putting it off for a while since it's kind of a dumb area (Top 10 Most Beautiful Female Characters). Fortunately, it's not on something with as narrow of a choice range as ranking all of the Pixar films, and I also happen to have most of it written, but I'm hesitant to include that sort of stuff in my blog.


Anyway, I personally think that Brave has the best visuals. They had to rewrite their animation system for the first time in 25 years just to get the look they were going for, and they certainly made use of the scenery. There was also something visually compelling about Merida's red-orange hair amid all the greens and blues.


The story for Up was initially disappointing for me, but I guess it eventually aged well. It's far from my favorite, and there are several elements that really don't rub well with me in the way that they're combined, but I do appreciate the main narrative with Carl. It's surprising that it all centered around an older person.



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