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Garreg Mach

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The Pixar List - Monsters, Inc. - Rank 6




6th - Monsters, Inc., 2001

iBrow Percentage: 90


Here we are people - the best of the best, the greatest of Pixar. Anything Rank 6 or higher is a truly spectacular film, probably beyond almost any other animated film you've seen. If I were to make a list of my favourite animated films, al six of them would be up here


That said, my complaints about Monsters, Inc. are few and they are minor. The first is that, while Pixar films are intended as a family, back when I was a kid I couldn't really understand the little girl, nor was I able to make sense of all those doors. I understand them now, but why not then? D=


However, Mike and Sulley are quite possibly my favourite duo in Pixar, with their back and forth banter throughout the film causing struggles and resolving issues in a way that Buzz and Woody can't (and shouldn't) ever do. The whole incident with the little girl, which sets the main issue for the entire film, was deliciously ironic as the monsters themselves were scared at the sight of her, immediately considering monsters touched by her to be contaminated. The whole "undercover" thing was really sweet.


This is also easily the funniest Pixar film, although we'll see if next year's Monsters University can top it.


Those are my thoughts in short; the hint was hinting towards how children often believe there is a monster in their closet.

Now, for the hint towards Rank 5:




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Boo looks almost exactly how my youngest sister looked a few years back, so my dad often calls her 'Boo'.


What on earth does hhh mean? Your hints are becoming more and more obscure all the time.

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With some googling, I have found the answer to the hint.


All in all, though, I agree. Monster's Inc. is defintely good, however, much better than Brave. If my prediction's correct, we shall be hearing from it very, very soon...:P.


Hey...want a snowcone?

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