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My final goals on BZP



  1. Defeat Black Six in a dramatic duel atop the RPG forum during an ominous thunderstorm.
  2. Break out of Comedies without alerting the guards.
  3. Steal the Mona Lisa from Artwork I.
  4. Scale the west face of CoT.
  5. Win a debate against Bonesiii from the harder side of the conflict to argue.
  6. Make a hot topic that breaks all the rules at once.
  7. Be as swift as a coursing river.
  8. Have all the force of a great typhoon.
  9. Be as strong as a raging fire.
  10. And, above all, be as mysterious as the dark side of the moon.


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Good luck with that mate. I have yet to see someone who's argument doesn't collapse under the weight of Bonesii's massive posts.

Eh, I've beaten Bonesiii before.

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I don't think it's possible to win against Bonesiii. It is possible to correct him, though.


Though, if you count a stale-mate as winning, then that's super easy. Very very very time consuming and you have to stay focused on the subject matter, but easy.

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I don't think it's possible to win against Bonesiii. It is possible to correct him, though.


Though, if you count a stale-mate as winning, then that's super easy. Very very very time consuming and you have to stay focused on the subject matter, but easy.

You also have to memorize every Greg quote ever.

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:kaukau: I don't care which side of the argument bonesiii is one. Since we're both logical people, we tend to both see eye-to-eye on things. To me, it's not so much about winning as it is about making sure I have the right opinion. I have corrected bonesiii in ages gone by, however, but overall his ideas are so strongly rooted in fact it's impossible to accuse him of being fundamentally wrong, only ever partially wrong. Whatever you do, though, don't argue with him just for the sake of it.


Meanwhile, I wonder whether or not I am willing to go into the types of debates made common by bonesiii, where one person dissects another's post through multiple quote tags. The problem I have with those is that, while sufficient, it immediately sets up a discussion as a confrontation. I've had Wrack'n'Ruin do that to me and the atmosphere immediately turned...Well, I don't have a word for it at the moment, but you know how it can go. It basically means that there are two sides of a debate that tear each other apart in every way, and I still wonder if it's the most structured and stable way of carrying out a debate. With bonesiii, it works, though I doubt that this could universally apply. So much of it depends on the people and the situation.



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