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ToM Dracone


Did you know that Easter is named after a goddess of the dawn?


Or at least it's assumed to be. Both the name and time it's celebrated are thought to come from the Saxon goddess Eostre, a goddess of the dawn and ferility, also known as Ostara to the Norse. Hence the cardinal direction east, the association with rebirth (springtime and the ensuing fertility, the regrowing of plants from the ground), and also the tradition of dying eggs – symbols of life and offerings to Eostre.


Meanwhile, according to my Witch's Datebook, the Vernal Equinox is also called Ostara. Which is relevant because it's warming up again and being Spring-like at last after our brief snow spell. So now it feels like Spring again. Hopefully to stay!


*eats chocolate*

~ ToM


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It BETTER stay... It's April, no more cold! Warmth, please, don't leave again!


Anyway... You know, one of the reasons I enjoy this blog is for all of the interesting info you post. :P I've actually learned more here that is worth learning than in school...

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Yeah, that's where easter comes from. Christianity used a lot of pre-existing pagan holidays for theirs. Also, the Easter Bunny comes for an old germanic (I think) folktale about a rabbit that flies and lays eggs. that explains everything.

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