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Environments and Atmosphere



All I really want to do here is describe some environments and atmospheres that I really like and that really give me feelings. (I can't be the only one.) Get away while you still can.


I'll start with fog. When I see fog... I just want to go off and get lost in it, hide in it, run in it, explore in it. It can bring mystery and beauty anywhere. An ideal fog situation for me would be in a large, grassy, slightly wooded, cold, rocky area at dusk. Exploring that with friends would make me so happy.

An alternate ideal foggy environment would be an urban one in the middle of the night lit by streetlamps in freezing temperatures. That would be great too.


Next up is autumn environments. I love it when there are dry leaves on the ground because they look so pretty in their red and yellow and brown colors. An ideal autumn environment for me would be one with a really heavy amount of leaves on the ground, so you could sort of wade through them and roll around in them and throw them around the place and what have you. It would be even better with a lot of wind, because leaves flying all over the place would be beautiful and would also make me happy.


Related to the above, I also really like wind, because I think it feels nice and it makes a soothing noise rustling grass and leaves and trees. I don't think I can say much more there than that I particularly like a good cold wind because it's refreshing and it means I can wear a nice warm coat. But I won't get started on coats. (Or gloves or scarves.)


The next thing is grass. Dry, long grass. Particularly brown grass. The best sort is the sort that is a really light tan, so light that it's ghostly. I would run around in grass like that and then just lie in it and look at the sky and I don't even know...


Snowy and icy environments go without saying. Ireland rarely gets snow, and when does it doesn't get much, but in the few times in my life that it has come, it has been amazing. Everything has quite a beauty when transformed by the cold. It's wonderful, and I think I love just about any snowy/icy environment.


Going on from cold, I also like fires. Especially bonfires after midnight. They make a lovely sound and the great heat is very pleasant, as is the orange glow. I love the crackling of twigs and sparks flying up out of sight. Also, marshmallows. (I think I'm straying from environments here.)


And I think I'll stop now. I'm pretty sure I could add to this list for a long time - I feel I'm only getting started, but it's nearly 3AM. This is probably all very silly, but this is who I am and what I like, and I feel like sharing it. <3


There is one more important thing I need to add - none of these environments or scenarios would be complete without one or two good bros to explore with.


And what I really want to know is, how many of you know how I feel here?


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My gourd. I can't quote Sumiki if he's already typing in Comic Sans.


But yeah, I absolutely know what you're saying. Fog is awesome in particular.


One item I'd personally add to that list is a rocky beach at dawn, when it's freezing and overcast outside and everyone else thinks it's too miserable outside, so you get to run about without worrying about tripping over anyone.




also I finally figured out why BZPower wasn't giving me notifications about new entries on your blog sooo

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This is probably all very silly...

Nope, not at all.


I'm going to empathize with your love of autumn. There's something incredibly beautiful about the yellow and red leaves contrasting against the grey skies.


Heck, you don't even need the grey skies. There's something beautiful about red and yellow leaves in general. I wish I lived somewhere without so many evergreens.

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Especially bonfires after midnight.
none of these environments or scenarios would be complete without one or two good bros to explore with.


I've done that. It was good fun, there was also a Guitar involved.


I'm also a fan of the wind.

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…just listed my favorite environments. However, the one thing you didn't list is spring. I love that season about as much as autumn (both don't have mosquitos :P).

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I definitely love fog, especially when there's a light rain coupled with it. Better yet, let it be in the mountains, where you can see the clouds hovering around the more distant peaks and you realize suddenly that you are in the middle of one of those clouds at that very moment. I visited my first college for an open house on a particularly gray, foggy day, and it gave me a phenomenal first impression. Another good kind of fog is the warm, humid fog you get in tropical locations, like during my study abroad trip to Costa Rica. Being surrounded by green rainforest plants and enveloped in a warm mist is an amazing experience, particularly when you have the sounds of the nearby wildlife reminding you that there is life all around you.


Snow, ice, and autumn leaves are also particularly stunning, and the fact that the aforementioned college was in Vermont meant I got to experience all of those things to an incredible degree.


Fires are nice, but I don't have the same fascination with them as with proper environments. Perhaps this is because they don't surround you in the same way-- you can look towards the fire, or away from the fire at the light it casts on the surrounding area, but there's very little sense of scale. Anything outside your range of vision tends to go completely unseen, and the crackling of the fire can overpower the more natural sounds of the night.


One environment you did not mention is darkness. It is a wonderful experience to be somewhere far from any large cities, where it can be truly dark around you, and yet if you look up you can see the stars better than is even possible in many places. And in true darkness, if you are very quiet, you can hear the sounds of the night, the crickets and owls especially, all around you.

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I totally get it. I'm not an outdoorsy person, but having a beautiful environment to just explore at your leisure, away from society, is just great.

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Fog is very cool. I'm always happy when I'm at the beach or some other area and morning start off foggy. :3


Also, I love watching a crackling fire; they're just so hypnotic.



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