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Recommend Me Some Xbox360 Games



Ok, so I'm fairly certain I will be buying myself a 360, now the next thing to consider is games. What are some games you guys would recommend that aren't on PC? I am and will forever be a PC gamer first, consoles second. I'm primarily interested in games with great local (splitscreen) co-op opportunities. Also I won't be getting a Kinect.


Games I'm considering:

Halo series

Gears of War series

Army of Two series

Red Dead Redemption

Crackdown 1 and 2


Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 im a weeaboo

Burnout Revenge


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Mass effect series. You seem to like shooters.


Wait nevermind those are on PC. Ignore me.


Valenti edit: Comments merged. No double commenting, please.

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So, I was gonna recommend the Assassin's Creed series, but you have all but AC3 on Steam.


The LEGO games are pretty spiffy on consoles, bit easier to play with a controller I've found.


I also support the GOW series, I have all three as well.


Forza Motorsport, but I wouldn't buy all four, just get #4 and be the happiest. That one tied in with Top Gear and has -epic- cars like the Veyron. They also have the Top Gear Test Track with minigames.


'Splosion Man is a cute game, but I don't play it often anymore (lost its appeal, and newer games are on the market better than it.)


Stacking is a -wonderful- little game for when you're tired of blowing stuff up and shooting stuff and driving. I enjoyed it immensely.


Everything else you listed is okay, but I have no experience with any of them beyond Halo, GOW, and Crackdown 1 (I was bored of it quickly to be honest, but I'm sure #2 is better.)

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I know I was already talking to you and had already said minecraft was better on the pc in almost every way, but now that you mention split screen...


My brother and I always play minecraft together. It's so much fun playing on the same console. It gets really fun when my brother invites two of his friends over and we screw around with everybody in the same room.


So while minecraft is better in almost every way on the pc, it does not have the splitscreen factor like the 360 does.



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Well, if you were going for split screen, you can't go wrong with Halo or GoW. Minecraft isn't a bad idea either for the same reasons as UK, especially since 1.8.2 just came out, but if you already have PC I'd probably say to give that one a pass.


Red Dead is an amaaaazing game, but I'm pretty sure that one doesn't have co-op, so there's that.


Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 I dunno about; on the one hand, reviews were kinda bleh, on the other hand, it looks nice and Unicorn and 00. (And Kshatriya and Seravee but they're DLC... also no Dynames ;_; )

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Don't bother with Gears of War, that is an utterly terrible series.


Mass Effect and Borderlands are musts though. I also recommend Bastion, Braid, Limbo, Super Meat Boy and Joe Danger on the Arcade, as well as The Orange Box and Portal 2. Also Batman Arkham Asylum and City. And Rayman Origins. And Dead Space. And Bioshock. Wait, you said not on PC. I realise now that you said games that aren't on PC, but whatever - if there are any of those you haven't played then you should definitely do so, on whatever format.


Also I second Trials Evolution, and Red Dead is a must-have. Halo is alright but not for everyone - I know a few who enjoy FPS games on PC and absolutely hate them on consoles, to the point of finding them almost unplayable. Anyway, it's a slightly over-rated series but still pretty good.


You can't go far wrong just checking the most well reviewed games on something like GameRankings or Metacritic. Also, how do you know that you'll always be primarily a PC gamer when you don't have a 360 yet? I much prefer console gaming, with the bigger screen and sharpness and being able to browse the internet without interrupting gameplay. Also games kill my laptop, so there's that.


- Tilius

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Also, how do you know that you'll always be primarily a PC gamer when you don't have a 360 yet?

I'm going to guess nostalgia, familiarity, and the objective benefit a PC provides when playing Point&Clicks, shooters, and top-down strategy due to the mouse and keyboard combo.

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Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 I dunno about; on the one hand, reviews were kinda bleh, on the other hand, it looks nice and Unicorn and 00. (And Kshatriya and Seravee but they're DLC... also no Dynames ;_ ;)

I've played some of the normal Dynasty Warriors, and overall they are mediocre, but I want to pilot a giant robot to smash other giant robots.


Also, how do you know that you'll always be primarily a PC gamer when you don't have a 360 yet? I much prefer console gaming, with the bigger screen and sharpness and being able to browse the internet without interrupting gameplay


Better graphics, better performance, keyboard and mouse is better than controllers for most games + the ability to use controller if I want to. I've been PC gaming for years, there's no way I'm switching over to consoles as my primary.


Bigger screen is nice if you're across the room, which you're not when playing on PC. I don't know what you mean by sharpness, console games are graphically inferior and usually upscaled, causing blurring. Steam, the largest PC gaming client, allows you to open a web browser while still in-game, and most games nowadays have no problems with alt-tabbing to another window; also multiple monitors mean game on one screen, browser on another.


The only reason I'm considering getting a console is solely for exclusives.

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Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 I dunno about; on the one hand, reviews were kinda bleh, on the other hand, it looks nice and Unicorn and 00. (And Kshatriya and Seravee but they're DLC... also no Dynames ;_; )

I've played some of the normal Dynasty Warriors, and overall they are mediocre, but I want to pilot a giant robot to smash other giant robots.


Then by all means buy it. XD


Don't bother with Gears of War, that is an utterly terrible series.


Well... I mean, story-wise it's pretty bad, but it's fun in co-op at the very least.


Still, if you had to choose just one shooter (excluding non-exclusives), Halo'd be my suggestion.

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