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A Site for Toys

Takuma Nuva


The thing I used to like about BZPower was that it was a site about toys.


Specifically, Bionicle. The awesomest thing that happened during my childhood.


I came here to have fun and GET AWAY from the stress and depression of the real world.


Now, I do the exact opposite. I actually avoid BZPower some days because everybody is discussing all this serious REAL LIFE stuff that I'm trying to temporarily escape from. It starts FIGHTS and people get BENT OUT OF SHAPE. What happened to discussing AWESOME STUFF and BEING FRIENDS and HAVING FUN?


I want to go back to the old days of BZPower! Back when it was a site about TOYS.




And I could honestly not care less who disagrees with me or why.




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Let's start getting really angry about BIONICLE instead!


All of the art, creation, and story forums say hi.



Maybe I've just been in the blogs for far too long. I used to spend so much happy time in Artwork III and Comedies. :(


Takuma Nuva

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I definitely agree with you there. BZP is now one of the sites I avoid when I'm in a testy mood, and it used to not be, even after I became a staff member. Now it's like "HMMM I WONDER WHAT DRAMA WE HAVE TODAY."


Except in the creative forums, really. It's pretty chill there.

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Maybe I've just been in the blogs for far too long. I used to spend so much happy time in Artwork III and Comedies. :(

Hate to break it to you, but I don't think you're missing much in those parts these days.

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Your post is offensive to those who like drama. I'm reporting you for proto.




I remember when flame wars were about Mega Bloks vs LEGO Bricks, not stuff that needs to stay in the real world. >.>

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As far as I remember there's always been drama here. I can't really detect any more now than there's ever been.


Although there seems to be less Lego discussion now, but what can you do? Hopefully once we can officially discuss next year's sets (i.e. when the only info we have on them isn't leaked) there'll be more of that going on.

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I'm kind of in the same fix, but that's mostly because school life has gotten better, not because BZP has gotten worse. Although I am bummed to see some of the creative forums tapering off, especially shops & kits.

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