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Darn it



The doom I sought to avert has come upon me; my philosophy teacher assigned us readings from Richard Dawkins.


Here's hoping I don't throw up halfway through them.




The very fact that I am in a philosophy class, and have been since September infers quite strongly that i have read a number of works I disagree with as much as I disagree with Dawkins. I have. I read works that I disagree with, from Protestant writings to those of atheists. It's not precisely Dawkins' views that set me off as much As a general overall feeling; it's non-discursive. I had the same problem with a few other articles, so I'll probably end up skimming it, best policy.


And yes guys, I like making dry overstatements. What I don't like is forgetting that I'm not speaking IRL, so people can't understand how I'm saying what I'm saying.


Also no, my philosophy teacher is quite good, and I both respect and agree with his views. Just sayin'.


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Open contempt for competing ideas is quite harmful actually. One only has to look at history to see that. Beyond that, it's just not what one would expect of a serious philosopher. Or student.

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Why can't we all be like Underwood typewriter and post stuff that is relevant to the title but not the debate man.


Zar is only speaking in hyperboles and everyone is acting like he committed murder.[/exaggeration] He said he wouldn't like reading it but means he'll still read it, you can read stuff and disagree with a message in it. Yes I know he's not being open-minded but that's his choice if he doesn't like something you can't force him to want to like it. He did not say he wouldn't read it, he just said he wouldn't like reading it. People aren't getting that. He's only stating his opinion and using hyperboles to express it(to ill effect I'm afraid) and now we're having a borderline debate about this. Let's just respect the fact that Zar doesn't agree with Dawkins and has strong opinions against him just like you have strong opinions against something and probably would use hyperboles too.


Moving on, you people respond fast! I come back from leaving for five minutes and already I see 16 notification warnings. You must share your secret with me.

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Well, I'm a Space Lich from Mars who feeds off human misery. So there's that. Secretwise at least.


As for not being able to force someone to be open-minded...well, I recall a few programs in our history that shut up/changed the minds of a good amount of close-minded people. Involved lots of marches and speeches. Now I'm not comparing Zar's viewpoint to theirs mind. But it does contradict your statement about force.


I can't respect something that doesn't deserve it. Being close-minded is one of those things.

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To be fair, he did not say why he did not wish to read Dawkins, so before we think he is merely "close minded" it could be that he simply is not a fan of Dawkins himself, rather then the world view he is known for, though of course only Zar can answer that question.

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Woah. Just Woah. Time out for a second.


You guys do realize it's okay to dislike something that you study, right? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you're not going to read it.

Pretty much the above comment here. Everyone has taken this way farther than it needs to have gone. Almost every comment in here has been a straw man argument, putting words into Zarayna's one post.


Yeah, I know his politics. I'm not stupid. But this is a throwaway comment.


This was never an argument about what is right or wrong; fact or opinion. This has gotten WAY too personal.



Seriously guys. Grow up.




By the way, I find Dawkins' writing to be dry and abrasive.

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<span style='font-size: 18px;'><strong class='bbc'>Woah. Just Woah. Time out for a second.</strong></span>


<p class='citation'>Velox, on Nov 13 2012 - 06:20 PM, said:</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'><span style='font-family: times new roman,times,serif'><span style='color: #000080'>You guys do realize it's okay to dislike something that you study, right? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you're not going to read it. </span></span>

</div></div>Pretty much the above comment here. Everyone has taken this <strong class='bbc'><em class='bbc'>way</em></strong> farther than it needs to have gone. Almost every comment in here has been a straw man argument, putting words into Zarayna's one post.


Yeah, I know his politics. I'm not stupid. But this is a throwaway comment.


This was never an argument about what is right or wrong; fact or opinion. This has gotten WAY too personal.



Seriously guys. Grow up.




By the way, I find Dawkins' writing to be dry and abrasive.

Can I say I love you, Makura. Wait you love McSmeag and I love Black six, why must this be so hard man.

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:kaukau: I'm going to say this: Zarayna does have to subject himself to opposing viewpoints. However, I notice that the personal philosophies of the people responding condemning him and calling his attitude "quite harmful" (Basilisk) are the people who have philosophies that oppose the ones Zarayna's. With this in mind, I have to wonder if there's something else to the psychology of these replies.


Now as far as being an active reader and a good listener, I think that there's always a lot behind what someone says and that the actual words are usually only 5% of communication. Maybe a little more when in written form. However, I have to ask myself: "What is the intention of the one talking? What is he implying? Does the subject matter imply that he's not telling the whole story? What inferences does he assume we will make about his attitude? How does he expect listeners to appreciate and understand him?" n response to these, I'm under the impression that Zarayna's teacher is like Richard Dawkins and pushes his philosophy on the students. That may be entirely wrong. However, at least I'm trying to understand the deeper reasons for Zarayna posting the entry, and I interpret this as mostly just venting a frustration he has with his professor.



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Good Lord, what did I just wade into?


Let me put this in context: whenever I read something that I view as heretical, or even writing refutation such a belief, I periodically stop in the middle of things, and with burning eyes fixed on heaven either verbally or mentally refute the entire thing. If the writing is particularly irksome, I will seriously loath and utterly detest it.


Anyways, after I read through all these comments I'll probably just roll my eyes and lock the thing.


Also, hyperbole is awesome. I like dryly overstating things: it would probably take an entire book by Dawkins to make me feel sick to my stomach. One excerpt will just leave me with a bad taste in my intellect.


Also guys, I am used to reading opposing viewpoints, anything from Protestant tracts to people arguing for machine rationality, or denying the existence of the self. I just really don't like Dawkins.

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Standard feline panic I think. Happens all the time when I have to take them to vet.


Whoever recorded that is lucky the cat in question isn't trying to gnaw their face off.

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There once was a blog that drowned


In arguments that went round and round


People got prickly


Claws came out quickly


Onlookers sat there and frowned.

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And on that lovely note, I think I shall enclose this entry within walls of stone and living thorns, so that none save the great mods themselves may foray in to comment.

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And then they posted relevant gifs!


Here's one of Zarayna while reading Dawkins and also after reading this comments section!



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Also, hyperbole is awesome. I like dryly overstating things: it would probably take an entire book by Dawkins to make me feel sick to my stomach. One excerpt will just leave me with a bad taste in my intellect.

Wait, you were only going to read an excerpt. Excuse me for a second. $&@&&@&&&@&$& $$&@'?!!&$@$$&) &&&&)&($@@$$)@#%*%#%^#%##% $$&$&$##%#^##%# %%% %####‰****** #######. I'm done where's the :censor: emote when you need it. I really need hit something really hard now.


Also Makura y u no return my feelings? T.T.

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