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Garreg Mach

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Important Notice



So it turns out I have a 70-something grade in a subject I absolutely need a 90-something in (English... bloody fantastic) so as of the moment this blog entry is posted, I am killing all internet ties for the time being until each of my marks are above an 85. What does this mean?


For the Ambage:

  • I will be unable to participate in any of the weekend write-offs until further notice. As a secondary note, do not expect me in the chats until this point arrives as well.
  • If I find the time I might still enter the flash fiction contests, but it is no guarantee.


For those of you that read my Comedies:

  • I will still update them. As of right now I am delaying the release of Vultraz Anniversary as I have yet to begin writing it, and I will not have time to write until further notice. However, thanks to my forward planning, when I remove my laptop from the equation I have a memory stick with all of the files regarding everything Tahu vs. Tahu, Dark Unto Days, and The Afterwords. Release will continue as normal.
  • The promos for The Afterwords will continue to be released. These too are on the memory stick.
  • I WILL still have the time necessary to run the Comedies Critics Club, as well as function as one of the leaders of the CF.

For those of you I do stuff with outside of BZP (Bzcraft, anything Steam):

  • I will be 100% gone from everything off of BZP until further notice. This means I will not be playing Minecraft, TF2, L4D2, GTA IV, Portal 2, etc. You will be unable to chat with me unless I activate steam on my desktop - and even if I do that, there will still be no games.

For those of you just here:

  • This blog will (most likely) be updated far less frequently. If you feel the need to talk to me about something for whatever odd reasons you have, send a pm.

Anyway, that's that. See you all in... whenever.


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