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Too Many Pinkie Pies



Right off the bat we have some bronified Pinkie Pie. Fun.


Fluttershy trying to make everyone happy of course.


This is gonna be a long episode...


Arrrrrrrrrrrgh this is so annoying.






Uggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;________________;


As expected, this was a terribly dull episode.


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I have no idea what a Fannon is, but I know a Cannon is heavy artillery. How does one integrate that with anything besides mounting it?

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I really don't see how severely fanon is influencing season 3.


Then again I dropped out of the Brony community like a year ago so I have no idea what you guys are up to.

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Wasn't as good as I had hoped, but I didn't see any influence of fanon (the hands thing is a joke naturally suited to characters who have none, after all). And Fluttershy's been trying to make everypony happy at her own expense since "The Ticket Master". How is it all of a sudden a bad thing?

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And Fluttershy's been trying to make everypony happy at her own expense since "The Ticket Master". How is it all of a sudden a bad thing?



I loved Fluttershy in this episode.


She's so sweet. c:


(also critter house!)

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Wait, what was the problem with the hands gag? It's not a permanent thing, it was just a throwaway few seconds. I think you might be taking all this pandering lark a little seriousl-


"Now off to double my fun!"


...Okay, there was more there than usual. I didn't think it ruined anything though. It was just a few fun shout-outs.

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Wait, what was the problem with the hands gag? It's not a permanent thing, it was just a throwaway few seconds. I think you might be taking all this pandering lark a little seriousl-




"Now off to double my fun!"


...Okay, there was more there than usual. I didn't think it ruined anything though. It was just a few fun shout-outs.


Are you trying to connect that to Luna's "the fun has been doubled"? It sounds more to me like the old Doublemint gum slogan. "Double your pleasure, double your fun".


And yeah, I don't mind fan shoutouts or in-jokes when it's a seconds-long throwaway line or visual gag. But I really didn't see anything in this episode that could conclusively qualify as any sort of fandom reference, besides the obvious "G3 face," and that's more a reference to the franchise's own history anyway.

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Bambi, on , said:


But the hands joke is an obvious brony reference.


How? Because Bronies have hands...?


No, silly. Because Lyra.

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But the hands joke is an obvious brony reference.

Only if you're LOOKING for brony references-- otherwise, no, it's really not. The bronies discovered by themselves that jokes about horses not having hands were funny. Are you saying the writers aren't creative enough to do the same?


The sad thing is people were flinging these same accusations of pandering around in Season Two when Rainbow Dash got a tortoise as a pet. And for that matter, there were people drawing connections to fanon from the episodes "The Cutie Pox" and "Read it and Weep". And let's not forget Fluttershy disguising herself as a tree in "Hurricane Fluttershy". If the writers are borrowing ideas from bronies, then it's nothing new. However, I'd be perfectly willing to chalk this up to coincidence along with all the rest-- ideas that occurred naturally to both the writers and the fans.


Besides, I've never seen a single brony make a hands joke involving Pinkie Pie. Lyra Heartstrings is the one who's got the creepy hand fixation in fanon.

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