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===> Kanaya: Do the purry thing



So, Nukaya and I adopted a cat this past weekend. She is five years old, and we got her from the Oregon Humane Society. She was abandoned as a kitten in a fountain, and the couple that found her had her for four and a half years, and never named her. The cat thought her name was "Kitty Hungry?" Apparently at one point she even disappeared for three months and they never looked for her, and she just showed back up one day. A friend of this couple was talking to them and they gave her the cat, and she had the cat for six months before her landlord found out and made her get rid of it. And thus, the cat found herself at OHS.


The description for our new cat said she was "shy, independent" and "didn't like toys".


All these things were proven false the first five minutes she was in our home. She immediately made herself at home, and sleeps on Maddison at night. She likes to sit with us while we Internet, and she purrs like a mad-kitty. It is adorable. She is totes presh.


We named her Kanaya because we are Homestuck dorks.








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Cool. We got one of out cats from the Oregon Humane Society, and that's a pretty good place for taking in animals and finding homes for them. Granted, apparently not all pets fit in well at those homes, but it sounds like your cat like you guys, so have fun with her. :)



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Porque no Meulin?

Because the Beta Trolls are terrible.


I'm certainly not debating that point, but to be fair, it's as good a cat name (or better) as any.


Either way, Kanay is a cool looking cat.

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In regards to the other trolls, we wanted to name her after a troll that had actual characterization (unlike Nepeta), and wasn't intended as a jab at the various fandoms (Meulin and all the other Beta Trolls). Kanaya is sassy and fierce, while also kind of scared and nervous. Seemed perfect for our kitty with such a troubled past! (My other thought in regards to troll with a troubled past who overcomes was Aradia, but we like Kanaya better).

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