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Lack of Life?

Taka Nuvia


blog-0219297001353665312.jpgSadly it seems so. I honestly have no idea what exactly is the reason for it, but before I further get into the topic, allow me to introduce my definition for "lack of life". Just so we know what we're talking about (and my "inner mathematician" shuts up and lets me write this xD)


     When I say "lack of life" I mean that no particularly interesting or outstanding things are happening, that my life is bascially following a kinda strict routine and that everything keeps repeating itself, leaving little space for adventures and similar.


Yep. That's what it's like at the moment, which also kinda explains the lack of interesting blog entries. (because according to the 'views' stats, you guys aren't really interested in me writing about maths =P)


But I guess that as soon as my mathematical knowledge has reached a certain acceptable level, things are going to be more 'fun' in here as well. Until then, I hope y'all have the patience to put up with me and my slightly maths/physics related/inspired (blog) posts. :)


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:kaukau: Taka Nuvia, I will eternally love you if you continue to write about math, because I'm an authentic nerd, unlike all of those pretenders. Don't worry: I will enjoy your math and physics entries. Actually, I haven't been noticing them, but now that you mention it, I'm definitely going to come around more often to revel in the mathematics.



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:kaukau: Taka Nuvia, I will eternally love you if you continue to write about math, because I'm an authentic nerd, unlike all of those pretenders. Don't worry: I will enjoy your math and physics entries. Actually, I haven't been noticing them, but now that you mention it, I'm definitely going to come around more often to revel in the mathematics.




... well I actually said slightly [...] inspired (so there hasn't really been much yet), but okay, glad to hear that there are other BZPers interested in that stuff. :)

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I take it I'm an inauthentic nerd for being involved in the field of biology rather than mathematics or physics.



I read the math/physics-inspired blog posts as well, though, even if I don't always have something to say... not implying that I ever really say much anymore. >_>





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Yeah, I'm not much for math and physics discussions (which makes it OH SO FUN to have Akano around... talking... with words... that I don't understand).


I'm not an authentic nerd, but I am a friend. So don't worry about your blog content because I wouldn't be following this one (and I wouldn't have stamped it) if I didn't find your interests interesting.

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I am much more a philosophy nerd then anything else, though if you need something interesting, dreams can be fun, at least to me. Though the math stuff is not terrible (hearing about calculating dragons was interesting.

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Usually when I find myself trapped in the routine and I feel the 'lack of life', I break the routine and do something that, if I was the protagonist of a book, 'the reader wouldn't expect me to do'. Do something you've wanted to do for some time, put yourself in a new situation :D

(It doesn't actually solves the problem, but it helps holding on).


And I love the use of maths for these creative questions :P

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I take it I'm an inauthentic nerd for being involved in the field of biology rather than mathematics or physics. :P


I read the math/physics-inspired blog posts as well, though, even if I don't always have something to say... not implying that I ever really say much anymore. >_>




~ :b: :i: :m_o: :m: :a: :n: :c: :e: :r:~


Why everyone suddenly has to state their nerdiness is kind of odd to me, but okay...

biology is cool, too. ^^


Gee, there's always something that can be said. Even if it is "I don't understand this." :P


Yeah, I'm not much for math and physics discussions (which makes it OH SO FUN to have Akano around... talking... with words... that I don't understand).


I'm not an authentic nerd, but I am a friend. So don't worry about your blog content because I wouldn't be following this one (and I wouldn't have stamped it) if I didn't find your interests interesting.

But, but... science. D:

(nah, I totally understand that, which is why I try to keep the maths/physics stuff at a minimum.)


Thanks a lot for the kind words and the support. :3 *hugs*


I am much more a philosophy nerd then anything else, though if you need something interesting, dreams can be fun, at least to me. Though the math stuff is not terrible (hearing about calculating dragons was interesting.


Right, dreams. The problem is that usually my dreams are so weird and confusing that I can hardly write much about them because I just don't know where to start. xD


Usually when I find myself trapped in the routine and I feel the 'lack of life', I break the routine and do something that, if I was the protagonist of a book, 'the reader wouldn't expect me to do'. Do something you've wanted to do for some time, put yourself in a new situation :D

(It doesn't actually solves the problem, but it helps holding on).


And I love the use of maths for these creative questions :P


Hm, that's actually a good idea... and somehow I think I almost did something like that yesterday xD

And there are still some creative projects lying around that I totally need to get started with...


Yay, I'm not the only one xD I just wish my brain wouldn't do that whenever I'm trying to sleep. D:

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Why everyone suddenly has to state their nerdiness is kind of odd to me, but okay...


Because there's only so many places to state nerdiness?



Gee, there's always something that can be said. Even if it is "I don't understand this." :P


True, I suppose...





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