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this is the part where I return from the dead.

Lady Kopaka


Why hello there.


What does one do when you are sick in bed and unable to sleep?


You get that weird emotion called nostalgia and you miss the good old days and wonderful people on a place called bzp.


I offer free hugs at the moment and high fives from all. No need to talk about my life. Its a droll subject. What of you all?


Perhaps this will be more than a midnight fling we shall see.


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I'm sorry to hear about you being sick and unable to sleep (*gives hug and highfive* -- hey, you did say they were free), but it is truly great to have you back!! You're definitely in my prayers, and I really do hope it becomes more than a midnight fling -- it'd be awesome to have you active here again. :D

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It's great to see you're back, Lady K. Sorry to hear about your inability to sleep and your sickness, though.



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Lady K, eh? I've heard a lot about you (all of it good, don't worry). Sorry to hear you're feeling sick, but welcome back, even if it's only for a visit. :)

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Wow, wasn't expecting this. Great to have you back, and hope you can stay! With any luck BZPower might be a good source of inspiration for you (or just a place to wind down after a stressful day), and your presence might in turn inspire the art community here.


Hope you are able to get healthy and well-rested soon... I'm sure a lot of people here will keep you in their thoughts and prayers, myself included.

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I did a double-take when I saw your name on the blogs. I'm sorry to hear you're still having trouble with your health, but at any rate it's great to see you're still around.
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If you get too bored, just call.


Ignore the fact I work, I'll make time to talk XD


But yeah huzzah, you're back sort of kinda maybe please stay? :P

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Thank you for all the hellos, hugs, and well wishes. I return them to all a thousand fold. Feel free to bug me anytime, so far I'm at a decent start at staying here semi-actively.

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