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I wish I could post more art...

Taka Nuvia


but recently all of my drawings have taken a dark turn, coming out rather bizarre, odd-looking, and frankly too scary and/or gorey to be posted on here ._.


That's what stress does to my mind, yay. <_<

They are fairly intense, though.


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You're not alone, my art generally looks like someone put Dead Space and Silent Hill in a mixer along with a gallon of fake blood


It's got nothing to do with stress or anything though, it's just great fun to draw????

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Shame. I like gory art


Eeeh, okay. I don't like breaking BZPower's rules, though ^^"



You're not alone, my art generally looks like someone put Dead Space and Silent Hill in a mixer along with a gallon of fake blood


It's got nothing to do with stress or anything though, it's just great fun to draw????



Hm. Well I guess my art isn't that gory. ^^"


In my case it does, for I only draw stuff like that when I'm feeling really, really bad. :/ But hey, everyone's different. ^^

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I don't draw gorey stuff, but even my drawings can get pretty screwed up in terms of scary and creepiness.


I drew a doll (which is a character in a graphic novel I'm writing) who is very sadistical and when she goes on a blood bath , she looks demonic.


Metalsa, another story I write, is basically a book like Narnia or Hobbit, an the monsters are scary and demonic and it can get a little gorey, but its because it is set in medieval times and it has Evil in the name.

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