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Current conjecture is she's Light type. I haven't found any concrete sources yet.


First person to do so gets me sighing at the news.


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I saw a bunch of people I know elsewhere talking about a thing that was saying Light type was coming as a new trinity with Steel and Dragon (which makes NO sense), and figured it'd be worth checking to see if this stupid as heck rumor had any truth to it.


I'm really hoping they don't add Light to the game.

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I have a strange belief that Ninfia'll be a Flying type. My only reasoning for this is because it has the same colour scheme as Skyla and those ribbon things would look pretty cool in a breeze.

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i've heard some way out-there theories that make Light-type make a ton of sense. Bug-type(lol big eyes and butterfly bows), Ghost-type(lightest eeveelution), even Fighting(nin=ninja). personally, i think she's Normal or Flying, but with a strong lean towards Normal

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no. nonononono.


There's a higher chance of it being a steel type than a light type.

..Not really, but you get my point.



I think that it's going to be Flying or Bug. Not normal; if it were any other evolution, yes, but this evolves from Eevee. A direct evolution would more likely than not keep the brown coat.

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